- Title: FJ-HRN-3467
- Summary: Ninja Assasin - Rain & James McTeigue: Ninja Assassin Rain & James McTeigue
- Description:13:20:41 - Sound Bite: Rain & James McTEIGUE James Yeah you know it definitely you know wasnt easy everyday. You know like we started off with Rain doing all of his training then we started blending in like the fight choreography but actually once you get onto the set yeah theres some, theres some complicated, uh there was a lot of complicated choreography so yeah it was pretty tough actually. Short scheduled too. (talks) Rain Yeah just a little bit. 13:21:17 - Sound Bite: Rain & James McTEIGUE James He does you know what I mean you start off with that stuff. It starts off with story boards and then you know where you end up is like video tapping the fight choreography of what you do but its incredibly intricate. You know like because obviously if hes swinging two swords around and people are coming at him with swords you know all the moves have to be precise so you really you know have to know what youre doing otherwise yes you can get hurt which you know every now and then (talks) Rain You know- James- dont you know, did you see the film those scars he had they were real. Rain Yeah James Yeah those were real. Rain - ? cut, face cut. 13:22:12 - Sound Bite: Rain & James McTEIGUE James Yeah you know like I think it was important like to set up the tone of the movie and thats you know hopefully what I do like in the first scene. You know like those guys are such bad guys and you want to see uh what happens to them and I think like that sets a tone for the rest of the movie and Im not in anyway trying to say that the violence is real, Im just saying hey its super stylized here it is. (talks) Rain I love Tarantino but hes awesome, hes the best. Hes new icon. 13:22:51 - Sound Bite: Rain & James McTEIGUE Rain Yeah I know you know I uh really love singing and acting so uh yeah it it when I was doing stunts it helped, it is very similar and singing and you know singing and dancing and you know action yeah I just, I just enjoyed it. 13:23:25 - Sound Bite: Rain & James McTEIGUE James Some of it I mean like he trained with the ? you know so (talks) Rain yeah that is added. James but like the thing you have to do is you have to add it to something, you cant, hes like moving his hands and his arms and hes you know his body in a certain way so you have to learn it. You know its a discipline that you have to learn and then you add the blade in later. So that is added but you still have to learn the discipline and when hes fighting with the two swords thats really him fighting with the two swords. (talks) Rain Yeah yeah we had to classic filming so I told you I trained for ?it was real, trust me. I was- James Torture we put him through.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-3467