- Title: FJ-HRN-3231
- Summary: Fast & Furious / Jordana Brewster: HRN-3231 Fast & Furious Jordana Brewster
- Description:23:41:00 - A01. HRN-3231 In: 23.41.00 Out: 23.41.23 Sound Bite: Jordana Brewster had she seen anyone between the films I had not seen anyone in between um no because we all lead such different lives and were all so different and I think we live in different states, or I did at least, so no I hadnt seen anyone. And then the first day I was like I was nervous it was like the first day of school um in terms like oh how is it gonna be like and are we gonna interact, then, great. 23:41:27 - A02. HRN-3231 In: 23.41.27 Out: 23.42.07 Sound Bite: Jordana Brewster did she think another one would happen I thought after the first one I really wanted to be a part of the sequel um but that didnt work out and so after Tokyo Drift I didnt I really didnt think that they would make a 4th one um once I heard rumors of the 4th one I was like oh I need to get on that um immediately so I called my agents and I said okay you need to scope this out and find out if anything can bring my character back. 23:42:08 - A03. HRN-3231 In: 23.42.08 Out: 23.42.47 Sound Bite: Jordana Brewster this isnt the same type of movie as the first Its not the same type of movie its um I dont know, its, in terms of like, do you mean in terms of like the action or the characters or (talks) its not well no theres a the boys are driven by something far more important and deeper so the film does have a heart which is why I think people like the first one too like that sense of family and loyalty and trust and that sends up a code. This one takes that to a whole new other level. 23:43:00 - A04. HRN-3231 In: 23.43.00 Out: 23.43.20 Sound Bite: Jordana Brewster what was her reaction to the films response I was like, I just remember I was at the parking lot of the AM/PM like someone gave me the numbers, like What?! on a Saturday morning. Now of course I look at tracking like 3 weeks before and Im like wait well whats gonna happen, um but uh yeah it came out of the blue and it was such a blessing. 23:43:23 - A05. HRN-3231 In: 23.43.23 Out: 23.43.40 Sound Bite: Jordana Brewster has Vin changed in all these years He hasnt I mean maybe he settled a little bit where hes a dad now but so but hes always been like very sweet and nurturing and given me advice and so weve all kind of stayed the same which is cool I think.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-3231