- Title: FJ-HRN-3218
- Summary: I LOVE YOU MAN PREMIERE: HRN-3218 I Love You, Man Premiere Tape #01 A01. HRN-3218 In: 01.00.00 Out: 01.03.10 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Front of Fox theater, sign on front, poster, drum set and guitars setup A02. HRN-3218 In: 01.03.11 Out: 01.07.21 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Slappin Da Bass sign, more of the setup, A03. HRN-3218 In: 01.07.22 Out: 01.11.06 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere the set, Fox Theater steeple and veranda, red carpet, more of theater front and sign, fans A04. HRN-3218 In: 01.11.07 Out: 01.14.08 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere red carpet, fans with signs, Lour Ferrigno, the set, Ferrigno A05. HRN-3218 In: 01.14.09 Out: 01.16.15 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Niecy Nash visiting fans, Harold Ramis, Lou Ferrigno, Krysten Ritter A06. HRN-3218 In: 01.16.16 Out: 01.16.40 Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Oh all these people. Ivan Reitman produced and. (talks) Yeah so and Paul Rudds in my new film Year One which comes out in June so I got to know Paul pretty well and its I know Donald De Line the producer and thought about directing this film years and years ago. A07. HRN-3218 In: 01.16.46 Out: 01.17.05 Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Yeah but it makes me feel really old because when I was their age I was looking back at the Marx Brothers and I think that the difference between me and the Marx Brothers then was about the same as them to me now, so Im about as dated as the Marx Brothers. A08. HRN-3218 In: 01.17.51 Out: 01.18.08 Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Because I know the script, I know what its about. Yeah um you know I think a lot of the comedy, all buddy comedies are based on bromance and the fact that guys love their friends more than they love most women. A09. HRN-3218 In: 01.18.09 Out: 01.18.35 Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Oh who do I have a man crush on? Id love to go on a date with George Clooney I guess I dont know. (talks) I dont know, take him to a movie I guess um I dont know all those guys, I wish I was one of Oceans 11, those guys are cool. A10. HRN-3218 In: 01.18.38 Out: 01.19.05 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Niecy Nash A11. HRN-3218 In: 01.19.44 Out: 01.20.10 Sound Bite: Tommy Davidson Dude Dudes because theres a lot of Dudes in it. a lot of dude dudes. Im just glad to be here you know Ive been in this thing for 20 years you know and I consider myself to be a part of the all-stars of comedy, you know, the In Living Color crew, so you got the Saturday Night Live crew, theyre out there doing their thing, Im part of the In Living Color crew thats out there doing their thing, and so Im here just researching and having a good time. A12. HRN-3218 In: 01.20.16 Out: 01.20.38 Sound Bite: Tommy Davidson Um whats his name, Jeremy from Entourage. Jeremy Piven. Jeremy Piven is my guy. But he plays drums, hes got my heart. Nobodys ever seen Jeremy Piven play drums. This dude plays drums like a black dude. A13. HRN-3218 In: 01.21.00 Out: 01.21.24 Sound Bite: Tommy Davidson *RC perhaps (makes funny face) No. No. No. Theyre busy. Were all busy. Like I think thats them riding by. Thats Jamie Foxx going that way. Yeah we will, I think we got a big reunion thing coming up when we finally slow down, but all of us are like, I dont know about them but Im on the alimony tour. So Im like getting that done, you know. A14. HRN-3218 In: 01.22.12 Out: 01.22.25 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere fashion shot of Kat whats her name A15. HRN-3218 In: 01.22.26 Out: 01.24.16 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere hot girl, Andy Samberg and Joe Lo Truglio, wide, J.K. Simmons, Lo Truglio, Jon Favreau A16. HRN-3218 In: 01.25.59 Out: 01.26.35 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Bethany from Real Housewives of New York or some shit and fashion shot of her A17. HRN-3218 In: 01.26.42 Out: 01.26.49 Sound Bite: Niecy Nash *RC A dress that Im trying to keep my boobs in. A18. HRN-3218 In: 01.26.54 Out: 01.27.05 Sound Bite: Niecy Nash You know what I didnt even know Tom was in this movie. I came out for Paul Rudd. Whoops. Sorry Tom. A19. HRN-3218 In: 01.27.14 Out: 01.27.29 Sound Bite: Niecy Nash It would be very long, it would be men knock it off. If you love, if youve got some love to give, give it to a woman. Dont give it to another man. Hey! Did I say that out loud? Yeah. A20. HRN-3218 In: 01.27.39 Out: 01.28.11 Sound Bite: Niecy Nash Well if I had, lets just take it both ways. If I had a best friend whos a celebrity who was a guy, Id feel like I could tell all of my secrets to Tyler Perry. I could tell him anything. Now if it was a girl, and I had to tell her something, Im going with Shari Shepherd from The View. (talks) Why because shes my friend in real life. {laughs} A21. HRN-3218 In: 01.28.47 Out: 01.28.53 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Fashion shot Neicy Nash A22. HRN-3218 In: 01.28.56 Out: 01.31.10 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere fans and Paul Rudd, Jason Segel and Lou Ferrigno A23. HRN-3218 In: 01.31.29 Out: 01.31.38 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Chelsea Mackala (or something) fashion shot A24. HRN-3218 In: 01.31.39 Out: 01.34.37 B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Jason Segel, cutaway, Thomas Lennon, Segel, Paul Rudd and Ken Jeong, Rudd A25. HRN-3218 In: 01.35.13 Out: 01.35.39 Sound Bite: Joe Lo Truglio Um very very fun guy to work with um he lets us kind of riff and ad lib and joke around. He um hes not afraid to let the cameras roll and let you make an ass of yourself and continually for awhile. Its been great, Ive known John for for a long time in New York so it was great to find but Id never worked with him so its great to work with him finally. A26. HRN-3218 In: 01.35.45 Out: 01.35.54 Sound Bite: Joe Lo Truglio Dudes Having A Good Time After Eating Some Chips and Guac. A27. HRN-3218 In: 01.35.55 Out: 01.36.44 Sound Bite: Joe Lo Truglio Oh man, God see, this is the question that I should have like thought of and asked but I wont. I thought of um Ill tell you, I think Id like to have um I think Id like to have if he was still alive, Bruce Lee, and Ill tell you why, because if anyone grabbed my ass, hed take care of it. If anyone hit on me that wasnt supposed to hit on me, hed take care of it, and thats why I would have liked a Bruce Lee romance. Im just being honest with you Jose. (talks) Hey why dont you talk to my friend Bruce. Check what he does to this little 4 by 4 of pinewood and then see, and then try to grab me and then well see what you think of that. Yeah thanks Bruce. And then Id go away in pajama pants that Bruce made for me.
- Description:01:00:00 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Front of Fox theater, sign on front, poster, drum set and guitars setup 01:03:10 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Slappin Da Bass sign, more of the setup, 01:07:21 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere the set, Fox Theater steeple and veranda, red carpet, more of theater front and sign, fans 01:11:06 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere red carpet, fans with signs, Lour Ferrigno, the set, Ferrigno 01:14:08 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Niecy Nash visiting fans, Harold Ramis, Lou Ferrigno, Krysten Ritter 01:16:15 - Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Oh all these people. Ivan Reitman produced and. (talks) Yeah so and Paul Rudds in my new film Year One which comes out in June so I got to know Paul pretty well and its I know Donald De Line the producer and thought about directing this film years and years ago. 01:16:45 - Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Yeah but it makes me feel really old because when I was their age I was looking back at the Marx Brothers and I think that the difference between me and the Marx Brothers then was about the same as them to me now, so Im about as dated as the Marx Brothers. 01:17:50 - Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Because I know the script, I know what its about. Yeah um you know I think a lot of the comedy, all buddy comedies are based on bromance and the fact that guys love their friends more than they love most women. 01:18:08 - Sound Bite: Harold Ramis Oh who do I have a man crush on? Id love to go on a date with George Clooney I guess I dont know. (talks) I dont know, take him to a movie I guess um I dont know all those guys, I wish I was one of Oceans 11, those guys are cool. 01:18:37 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Niecy Nash 01:19:43 - Sound Bite: Tommy Davidson Dude Dudes because theres a lot of Dudes in it. a lot of dude dudes. Im just glad to be here you know Ive been in this thing for 20 years you know and I consider myself to be a part of the all-stars of comedy, you know, the In Living Color crew, so you got the Saturday Night Live crew, theyre out there doing their thing, Im part of the In Living Color crew thats out there doing their thing, and so Im here just researching and having a good time. 01:20:15 - Sound Bite: Tommy Davidson Um whats his name, Jeremy from Entourage. Jeremy Piven. Jeremy Piven is my guy. But he plays drums, hes got my heart. Nobodys ever seen Jeremy Piven play drums. This dude plays drums like a black dude. 01:20:59 - Sound Bite: Tommy Davidson *RC perhaps (makes funny face) No. No. No. Theyre busy. Were all busy. Like I think thats them riding by. Thats Jamie Foxx going that way. Yeah we will, I think we got a big reunion thing coming up when we finally slow down, but all of us are like, I dont know about them but Im on the alimony tour. So Im like getting that done, you know. 01:22:12 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere fashion shot of Kat whats her name 01:22:26 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere hot girl, Andy Samberg and Joe Lo Truglio, wide, J.K. Simmons, Lo Truglio, Jon Favreau 01:25:59 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Bethany from Real Housewives of New York or some shit and fashion shot of her 01:26:42 - Sound Bite: Niecy Nash *RC A dress that Im trying to keep my boobs in. 01:26:54 - Sound Bite: Niecy Nash You know what I didnt even know Tom was in this movie. I came out for Paul Rudd. Whoops. Sorry Tom. 01:27:14 - Sound Bite: Niecy Nash It would be very long, it would be men knock it off. If you love, if youve got some love to give, give it to a woman. Dont give it to another man. Hey! Did I say that out loud? Yeah. 01:27:39 - Sound Bite: Niecy Nash Well if I had, lets just take it both ways. If I had a best friend whos a celebrity who was a guy, Id feel like I could tell all of my secrets to Tyler Perry. I could tell him anything. Now if it was a girl, and I had to tell her something, Im going with Shari Shepherd from The View. (talks) Why because shes my friend in real life. {laughs} 01:28:47 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Fashion shot Neicy Nash 01:28:56 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere fans and Paul Rudd, Jason Segel and Lou Ferrigno 01:31:29 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Chelsea Mackala (or something) fashion shot 01:31:39 - B-Roll I Love You, Man Premiere Jason Segel, cutaway, Thomas Lennon, Segel, Paul Rudd and Ken Jeong, Rudd 01:35:13 - Sound Bite: Joe Lo Truglio Um very very fun guy to work with um he lets us kind of riff and ad lib and joke around. He um hes not afraid to let the cameras roll and let you make an ass of yourself and continually for awhile. Its been great, Ive known John for for a long time in New York so it was great to find but Id never worked with him so its great to work with him finally. 01:35:45 - Sound Bite: Joe Lo Truglio Dudes Having A Good Time After Eating Some Chips and Guac. 01:35:55 - Sound Bite: Joe Lo Truglio Oh man, God see, this is the question that I should have like thought of and asked but I wont. I thought of um Ill tell you, I think Id like to have um I think Id like to have if he was still alive, Bruce Lee, and Ill tell you why, because if anyone grabbed my ass, hed take care of it. If anyone hit on me that wasnt supposed to hit on me, hed take care of it, and thats why I would have liked a Bruce Lee romance. Im just being honest with you Jose. (talks) Hey why dont you talk to my friend Bruce. Check what he does to this little 4 by 4 of pinewood and then see, and then try to grab me and then well see what you think of that. Yeah thanks Bruce. And then Id go away in pajama pants that Bruce made for me.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-3218