- Title: FJ-HRN-3128
- Summary: Street Fighter / Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo: HRN-3128 Street Fighter Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo
- Description:00:30:10 - A01. HRN-3128 In: 00.30.10 Out: 00.30.44 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Duncan No, no stunt guy Neal No, youre going to get a stunt guy in Bangkok that looks like this? No Way Duncan I was hoping I had a stunt guy, I had a stand in who actually moved out the way when they said rolling then I had to come in, no we didnt have all that luxury. Neal My stand in was my size, blonde hair, 120 pound Tai kid and there was no way Taboo was going to let anyone do his stunts on his first action film, not a chance. Duncan - Cause you have to come back and brag and say that was me, thats the best part about it. Taboo you just gotta put it out there like yeah its all me, all me 00:30:52 - A02. HRN-3128 In: 00.30.52 Out: 00.31.12 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Taboo no it was an easy transition and I enjoyed every minute. Uhm like I said in the other interviews Martial Arts has always been a big part of my performance and to be able to do it on the big screen I you know want to continue doing that, thats my next venture. 00:31:46 - A04. HRN-3128 In: 00.31.46 Out: 00.32.10 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Taboo I was, I was totally addicted. (talking) Yes the big one it just said Street Fighter and it had the one joystick and the two buttons, that was perfect for me in fact I would want to buy one of those and put it in my room. That would be cool. Neal That would be cool. Duncan Yeah that would be really cool. Taboo I dont want the co fangled one thats on the flat screen I dont want that one. Neal I know what I am getting you for Christmas now, knock that off the list. Taboo Yeah there you go. 00:31:51 - A03. HRN-3128 In: 00.31.15 Out: 00.31.43 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Neal Yeah Im always pretty fit my wife doesnt let me get a flabby belly that aint going to happen. Taboo No, oh no no no. Duncan The boxers. Neal Thats right and boxing all these years, the transition you know was learning how to use my legs but the way we wrote Bison the character is more of a pugilist then a boxer. Or to study the martial arts. Taboo Thats a big word there. Neal Thats pretty good. That was. Taboo I didnt even catch that one. Neal I come with subtitles sometimes. Taboo Yeah I couldnt even catch that one man. 00:32:12 - A05. HRN-3128 In: 00.32.12 Out: 00.32.27 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Neal Did you go to the Mocha for the opening this week? The Mocha downtown they had the opening for Street Fighter 4 it turned away 5,000 people there were thousands of people inside hundreds of screens people going nuts and they sold 2 and a half million copies the first weekend. Taboo Yes. Neal Were doing something pretty damn historic here and were psyched about it. 00:32:27 - A06. HRN-3128 In: 00.32.27 Out: 00.32.51 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Duncan Yeah actually you know what Im actually trying to tap into doing music for video games with Black Eyed Peas we had the opportunity to do the Sims, um we created the music for it and we had characters created based on us uh and I want to continue to tap into that market Capcon. If youre watching this Capcon. Taboo There you go. Neal That was good. Taboo Good lead in. 00:32:57 - A07. HRN-3128 In: 00.32.57 Out: 00.33.31 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Taboo No. Once I left that was it. I was, once I got on that flight (laughs) and I was home I was back to myself. No it was actually good though. (talking) Neal Ive never played and I still I havent played Street Fighter yet. Taboo Does he look like a gamer? Look at his face no. Neal Yeah but I wasnt much for it and I havent seen the old film, I like to always do whatever character I play make it a fresh start and thats what Andre did with the film and for all of us we we had our own take on the characters and it really worked. 00:33:34 - A08. HRN-3128 In: 00.33.34 Out: 00.33.49 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Neal Yeah. (talking) Yeah we went early and Dions guys trained us over and for hours and hours and hours and hours. Taboo Christine was the one that really. Neal Christine could kill. Duncan Hands down she was. Taboo She put in the most time. 00:33:50 - A09. HRN-3128 In: 00.33.50 Out: 00.34.13 Sound Bite: Michael Clarke Duncan/Neal McDonough/Taboo Taboo No. Neal No. Taboo No. Neal Dion choreographed everything to a T and it was perfect the way he did it and we had a blast doing it and you know to work with these cats we we really enjoyed ourselves. Taboo Precision. (talking) Everyone - No no no. Neal No it was up on the screen you know flying all over the place. Yeah we put it up there ourselves.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-3128