- Title: FJ-HRN-3088
- Summary: The International - Naomi Watts: The International Junket Naomi Watts Interview
- Description:04:33:26 - Sound Bite: Naomi Watts Yeah right oh it looks like a target or something. (talks) Yes I did its very impressive (talks) can you imagine (talks) its the only place thats not real. (talks) I didnt get to go, yeah I didnt get to see the set because uhm Tom had kindly condensed all my days into five weeks to accommodate my newborn and uhm so by the time I got there they had completed filming. 04:34:09 - Sound Bite: Naomi Watts traveling/1st movie after baby I did Berlin, Mulin and then New York which wasnt travel for me cause we live in New York (talks) yes it was and uhm it was tricky, it was definitely tricky you know we shot a lot of the time at night and uhm I was nursing my three month old and so I was having to send back bottles of milk to the hotel and then feed all day the next day and wasnt really getting any rest. 04:34:59 - Sound Bite: Naomi Watts Yeah which seems ridiculous and impossible because so many people are involved on so many levels and uhm it, its every time we get to that place where were just about to uncover something and somebody dies you know. 04:35:35 - Sound Bite: Naomi Watts Well yeah because theyre involved possibly, this is the case with this movie yeah, theyre feeling everything (talks) yeah uhm but shes, she, you know shes very much in this with Clive, with Salinger, and uhm she feels that it must be uncovered and she has to do everything above board and you know she is the law. 04:36:11 - Sound Bite: Naomi Watts No I havent but I have wanted to and Id love to again (talks) fantastic great to work with (talks) yeah yeah and fun which you never know about until you meet the people. Uhm very vyer fun, great sense of humor
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-3088