- Title: FJ-HRN-2863
- Summary: John Travolta: HRN-2863 Bolt Junket John Travolta
- Description:16:33:43 - Sound Bite: John Travolta on being first animated movie Yes Id been offered a few but they werent the right ones and I you know I had a high end comparative because Tom Hanks and uh Robin Williams are friends of mine and they had done Aladdin and toy Story and I thought well if I ever do one of these animated features I want it to, you know Id rather it be a classic or a high end one at least you know I dont want to, if I do it I want to do it right. So then this came along with John Lasseter from Pixar you know kind of over seeing it and uh High End Disney animated feature, Walt Disney and uh I thought well its a good script, its a good cast, uh top animators, this has the earmarks of a good classic animated feature. 16:34:34 - Sound Bite: John Travolta finding voice for character You know the writing led me to that quality because the writing all had an earnestness to it and uhm it did take some conversation to be honest to you to get the right thing because uh he had to be, you know hes playing a part on the TV Series where hes courageous and bold and all that kind of thing and super powers and you know so I thought well is it like Clint Eastwood and uhm you know one of his old movies where hes Dirty Harry or something or is it. (talks) yeah in an action movie (talks) Yeah Face/Off or Broken Arrow and I thought well Ive done those kinds of roles so it had to be a mix of like a hardy tough guy and a a very sweet thing too you know. 16:35:35 - Sound Bite: John Travolta singing on soundtrack Yeah I loved you know I was invited by Dick Cook to sing a song with Miley Cyrus and I very excited about that and then she wrote a terrific song with her partner and I couldnt get over how uh great uh that was. (talks) Yeah I met her at the Oscars, we sat together in the audience at the Oscars and my wife had met her at her concert with my daughter. So a little bit I knew her but really is a project had us get to know each other better.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2863