- Title: FJ-HRN-2846
- Summary: Twilight: Stephenie Meyer Interview: HRN-2846 Twilight Stephenie Meyer
- Description:22:01:13 - Sound Bite: Stephenie Meyer No, I didnt set out to write a book, I didnt set out to do something anyone would see besides myself it was just an escape from myself personally. (talks) You know that could be it because I did it expend a ton of passion in this project and uhm it comes acrossed as Ive heard feeling very intimate when you read it and I think thats because it was a story for one person and I think thats a very intimate thing but, and I cant write when someone says this would be a really great idea, why dont we do this. Thats impossible. 22:01:54 - STEPHENIE MEYER TALKS ABOUT HER LOVE OF READING 22:02:11 - Sound Bite: Stephenie Meyer Uhm when I started with the story I had a really great dream that had a vampire in it, which was an unusual thing for me since I dont spend a lot of time thinking about vampires uhm it really, Im not a horror person at all and of course the book isnt horror but you hear vampire and think that and so it was strange for me to work with the vampires but what I did was made it make sense for because that was the only person that was going to see it, so that all, thats the only person I had to please. So I got to make my own mythology and I really do feel now that Ive done a couple of other things explored that it is no fun writing with somebody elses rules uhm getting to make your own rules is terribly exciting, it really keeps you motivated with the story. 22:02:58 - Sound Bite: Stephenie Meyer Trippy is a really good word for it, its hard to absorb I really cant take it in. Days like today when its I have to deal with the fact that all this has happened is tough uhm when Im I dont think about it I am mom, I am Steph, I am a friend, a sister and a daughter and uh you know I dont have to be an author, I dont have to be somewhat famous, not really but you know in a little way uhm thats not something thats part of my everyday life. 22:03:31 - Sound Bite: Stephenie Meyer You know I used to be able to do that more when I first go started I was very involved with the people who read my books uhm and I enjoyed it you know I loved getting their perspective and one of the coolest things about hanging out with my fans is that we would sit around and talk about these people like they were real and so for that conversation they were real. It was like all of a sudden everyone believe in Edward Cullen so for this moment Edward Cullen is a real person and not just a figment of my imagination and I love that uhm as things got bigger you know you cant do that anymore and thats one of the things I miss most about this career about this big thing taken off and thats great but oh do I miss when I had those 40 fans I could sit around and talk with.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2846