- Title: FJ-HRN-2780
- Summary: Seth Rogan & Elizabeth Banks: HRN-2780 Zack and Miri Make a Porno Junket Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks Cam X
- Description:17:21:41 - A01. HRN-2780 Cam X In: 17.21.41 Out: 17.22.31 Sound Bite: Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks on the MPAA rating *RC Round Up Rogen Um Banks We werent fans, hang on, you have a hair on your chin. Rogen I have a thing? Thank you, very much. Banks We were not fans of the controversy I would say, we were perplexed more than anything. Rogen Yeah, its ridiculous, you know. Banks Its perplexing. Rogen Its perplexing, um having made a few kind of dirty movies that this would be the one that grew all the controversy uh you know um it just shows how weird peoples sensibilities are where violence, you know Pineapple Express, we like I like murder people in that movie and no one cares, and in this we just have sex and all of a sudden its like a big thing so uh yeah it was, its very confusing, I think its a really sad statement on where peoples sensibilities are. Banks I agree you know theres a lot of bad stuff happening in the world and theres not really any bad stuff in this movie. Rogen Yeah, its a comedy. Its funny. Banks Its sweet, youre gonna have a smile on your face at the end of it. 17:22:45 - A02. HRN-2780 Cam X In: 17.22.45 Out: 17.23.13 Sound Bite: Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks they really looked like they were in love during the sex scene Rogen We do. I was looking in the mirror for that part. {laughs} I just had an image of myself. Banks It was all me, Im gonna give myself 100 percent of the credit. Rogen Yeah it was all Banks. Banks I make this guy look so freakin good. Rogen Its true. Banks Its unbelievable. Rogen That was my face though. Banks No hes lovable, what can I say? You look like a what, a beluga whale? Rogen A beluga whale? Yeah. Banks Um theyre very lovable, beluga whales. 17:23:18 - A03. HRN-2780 Cam X In: 17.23.18 Out: 17.23.28 Sound Bite: Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks *RC Round Up Rogen Yeah Im uh feverishly masturbating in preparation for it, 9 times a day. Banks 9? Thats a lot of calories. 17:23:36 - A04. HRN-2780 Cam X In: 17.23.36 Out: 17.24.02 Sound Bite: Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks between this and W. Banks I had 4 weeks in between and um theyre not, yeah theyre different in a lot of respects, and in other respects, you treat the characters the same in certain terms of your bag of tricks when youre going in as an actor when youre going in and preparing and I certainly had a lot more biographical material to look through for Laura Bush but I had a great script for Miri so I had a lot to pull from from that as well. 17:24:14 - A05. HRN-2780 Cam X In: 17.24.14 Out: 17.24.35 Sound Bite: Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks whats the funniest scene to them? Rogen Um the scene where we shoot the porno, like when we shoot our scene it was funny, it was fun to like act poorly Banks Badly Rogen And not get in trouble for it Banks And be nervous Rogen And uh, yeah it was, that was a lot of fun to do. Banks It was. Rogen Yeah. Banks Uh what else? Rogen That was it, everything else was terrible. Banks Everything else was not fun. 17:24:40 - A06. HRN-2780 Cam X In: 17.24.40 Out: 17.25.11 Sound Bite: Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks working with Kevin Rogen It was great, you know hes really funny and he runs like a very relaxed work environment which is nice you know, um I think of these things very practically, its just like how will feel for 12 hours a day while Im on set, and he makes you feel happy, thats all you need. Banks And we really trusted him to make us look good. Rogen Yeah exactly. Banks Anytime he directed us, which was kind of rare in all that. Rogen Yeah he really didnt tell you much to be honest, yeah. Banks Um he would give us like the littlest twist and it would always make it better which is thats what you want from a director.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2780