- Title: FJ-HRN-2753
- Summary: Mila Kunis & Chris "Ludacris" Bridges: HRN-2753, Cam A "Max Payne" Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges Interview
- Description:05:19:30 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges Kunis Actually great. Gentleman and professional. Bridges Very professional. Kunis Anything that youd want out of a co-star. (talks) Bridges I met him in New York about 2 months before I even knew I was doing this movie with him and we had expressed how great it would be to work together and I mean its crazy because it came true and it was great working with him and I got to point a gun at him and I got away with it and I think Im very happy to be able to do that. 05:20:13 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges *Possible RC Kunis Oh Im plugging it all the way. Are you kidding me? Im gonna get a shirt that says Album comes out November 25th. Bridges Exactly. (talks) Kunis Yeah or just hold it. Thats a good idea. Just an ambiguous sign. Bridges Exactly, thats how we should do it. 05:20:39 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges did you play the game? Bridges I got to play the game a little bit you know enough to get all the way in the character and make sure that we did what we had to do. But you know the videogame you have a whole bunch of great elements from the videogame that are showcased in this movie and then some, so people are gonna walk away from this experience wanting more, I guarantee you. 05:20:58 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges did he get into the game? Bridges Man you know the crazy thing is I worked so hard I didnt get a chance to get, I didnt have time to get addicted to it but you know what I am addicted to? This movie, this movie, is addictive. Its addictive so much that youre gonna wanna go and see it at the movie theaters more than one time and then when it comes out on DVD youre gonna have to put it in your special collection. 05:21:29 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges on what the special features of the DVD might be like Kunis Theres gonna be, Im sure, I think the original cut that I saw that didnt get a PG-13 rating had a lot more action sequences in it so Im pretty sure that is gonna be on the unrated DVD um are there any mishaps? Yeah I tripped a couple times, my gun misfired, oh stuff happens all the time. Bridges Ha. Kunis Yeah. 05:21:54 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges Kunis I mean more or less, I did some weapons training, um yes its incredibly challenging. Its, yeah. (talks) Bridges Internal Affairs man, I practiced interrogating my seven year old daughter, you know what I mean, asking her where the hell shes been, wheres the playground, whos there, you know what I mean? Wheres her homework, is it done? Very stern. Kunis Isnt he scarier? Its so good, its so good. Bridges Its about creating that fear in peoples hearts. 05:22:25 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges the genre Bridges It is, its an action/thriller. And its a very stylized and unique shoot of course and the photography and all that. 05:22:38 - Sound Bite: Mila Kunis & Chris Ludacris Bridges on his ear studs Bridges Theyre 5 karats each. So. (talks) Kunis Yeah. and he wears them well. (talks) Theyre mine, I let him borrow them. Bridges Yeah, I dont wear them when Im in character, you know. (talks) Yeah I always wear them, yeah that is definitely the one thing that is always on me, the earrings, yeah.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2753