- Title: FJ-HRN-2704
- Summary: Body of Lies / Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio: HRN-2704 Body of Lies Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio Cam A
- Description:16:33:49 - A01. HRN-2704 Cam A In: 16.33.49 Out: 16.34.48 Sound Bite: Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio working together DiCaprio Well yeah we worked together, I was very, I was 18 years old and we were both sort of green in the industry he had just done a film called Romper Stomper I had done Gilbert Grape and were both Crowe Which he watched every day. DiCaprio Every single day. Yes. And every day since. Crowe And he came running up to me yelling my lines from the movie. (talks) DiCaprio Yeah I loved the movie. But you know we were both young and green and sort of forged a friendship during that movie but. Crowe you have to understand that set and how much based on status it was because we were both you know continuously told we were hand-picked by Stone, you know Sharon Stone had chosen us for the situation but yet Sharon Stone and Gene Hackman and youve got all these wonderful character actors, Robert Blossom, Keith David, Lance Henricksen, just like all these guys with massive amounts of work you know and then there was the 2 of us you know and people looking at us going, what are you doing here? Who are you? And so we formed a, What are you doing here who are you? club. If you dont want to talk to us well just talk to each other. 16:35:01 - A02. HRN-2704 Cam A In: 16.35.01 Out: 16.35.13 Sound Bite: Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio *RC Round Up Crowe Did we have any similar questions to that? DiCaprio Have we given similar answers? Crowe Everybody has been, not at all, everythings been fresh, original, and immediate. 16:35:20 - A03. HRN-2704 Cam A In: 16.35.20 Out: 16.36.25 Sound Bite: Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio on Crowes character Crowe I think thats his uh distance from what hes doing, you know, he doesnt have a moral connection to it, he doesnt have any guilt about it, it wouldnt even come into his mind. Hes insulated from the damage that he causes, I think that in itself is analogous to you know the world as we live in it. Um from 10 thousand miles away hes causing great pain but hes dropping his kids off to school. DiCaprio Its almost like hes playing a videogame and Im the character in the videogame and here I am in the Middle East trying to forge these relationships, trying to do my job as effectively as I can, trying to be honorable to my country but at the same time Im getting constantly undermined and screwed over and Im trying, you know Im operating on a different sort of uh moral spectrum than hed like me to so it presents these different scenarios in this thus the plot of the movie wherein its this you know cat and mouse game of misinformation, disinformation and you can trust no one in this world. I cant even trust my own country for that matter. 16:36:27 - A04. HRN-2704 Cam A In: 16.36.27 Out: 16.36.38 Sound Bite: Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio *RC Round Up Crowe We cant discuss that with you. You know why. Mike Or youll have to kill me after, or hell have to kill me. But um Crowe Thats right, Ill just go and get something to eat. 16:36:50 - A05. HRN-2704 Cam A In: 16.36.50 Out: 16.37.40 Sound Bite: Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio do they take away anything from this movie? DiCaprio Well for me you know, what I loved about this movie is that it didnt have a political, a clear political message. We didnt have a political agenda going into this film, we all had to sort of check our politics at the door and say were gonna be as realistic as we possibly can about what this world is that were trying to create. Lets take the stories that we have from the book, lets try to gain as much information as we can but not tell people how to feel or what to think and I think everyone is sort of extracted their own uh quote unquote message from the film and its up to each individual but for me, my my message was wow, weve gotten into something that were, that is way too complicated for us to get out of. We have spun quite a web out there and its gonna take many many years to solve this problem.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2704