- Title: FJ-HRN-2531
- Summary: Brandon T. Jackson & Jay Baruchel/Tropic Thunder: HRN-2531 Cam X Tropic Thunder - Brandon T. Jackson & Jay Baruchel
- Description:03:24:57 - A01. HRN-2531 Cam X In: 03.24.57 Out: 03.26.09 Sound Bite: Brandon T. Jackson & Jay Baruchel Working with A Listers Brandon Yeah what are you talking about those B list stars there, come on. (talks) Jay that rose gallery of irrelevant performers no uh for I just thought, I felt like one of the kids on Detroit that went to the Stanley Cup and like is uhm uhm uhm is playing along side Chris ? and all of those guys and uh basically this is my version of that is coming to, showing up to work everyday with guys that are uhm a large part of why I ever do anything funny is because of them and so now to be able to share screen time with them and to riff and play around Stiller, Downey and Black Brandon yeah right Jay are you kidding me like Brandon it was crazy because this was like my comedy grad school you know what I mean, I get to say that because I really feel that that when I came into the movie Tropic Thunder I thought I was going to come in here and just you know theyre ready for this hipster you know what I mean. They ready for this, when I saw how good these guys really even Jay and everybody and how, it was just, it was breath taking but then I learned so much from the experience that I could take with, you know my next projects and things like that so. 03:26:11 - A02. HRN-2531 Cam X In: 03.26.11 Out: 03.26.49 Sound Bite: Brandon T. Jackson & Jay Baruchel Downey Being Black Brandon isnt it (talks) Jay There interaction was the weirdest thing in the world Brandon it is because you have a older, you got older white guy being black but the thing is people keep saying black face and at first it was written black face but then Robert took over and made a black man you know what I mean so we was chillin in the trailer, we was kickin it playin Kayne West cds and we was chillin and he was like really black for the role. Jay they both kept trying to mug me. Brandon yeah right and we both, we both. You know whats funny he showed up late to the set just to prove he was black, you know what I mean. 03:26:55 - A03. HRN-2531 Cam X In: 03.26.55 Out: 03.27.26 Sound Bite: Brandon T. Jackson & Jay Baruchel Brandon we check him in the movie, I mean I just didnt want to get calls from from from yeah the whole, I love you all but I didnt want to be getting calls from everybody but I just I think if he would have did it bad well all would have pretty much Jay its like, its like serving blow fish at a sushi restaurant you have to Brandon Yeah you have to cut it right, precisely cut it Jay Precisely right cause they kill someone else, because one wrong knife move you kill the guy. 03:27:25 - A04. HRN-2531 Cam X In: 03.27.25 Out: 03.28.36 Sound Bite: Brandon T. Jackson & Jay Baruchel Ben Directing Jay oh hes the greatest. Brandon the greatest Jay but uhm (talks) Brandon but man if you not funny go home, thats what I say I mean because Ben you better be funny, you better be on time because Ben is really, is very very good director. I mean to me hes like the comedy Spielberg, for me because I grew up watching him and just to work with is just amazing and to have him if youre not funny yeah yeah ok uh. Jay well for me it was just like uh uh uh uhm to have somebody that talented because literally all of it came out of his head, hes, he wrote, directed and is staring in this movie and so uh to for somebody like that to give you liberty to try stuff out and he constantly let me look over his shoulder at the sets, the shots he was lighting up, he didnt need to do that stuff man and thats why he was the most fun Ive ever had. Brandon And how do you write, direct and produce and get in the film Jay Especially this movie Brandon I know this movie Jay this is not two people talking over a kitchen sink for two hours. Brandon exactly and the action, its really amazing to watch, I mean I hate using the word amazing so Im going to get a thesaurus, talk to Robert to get another world.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2531