- Title: FJ-HRN-2530
- Summary: Jack Black: "Tropic Thunder" Junket Jack Black Interview HRN-2530
- Description:01:48:16 - Sound Bite: Jack Black *RC Round Up (he sniffs his hand) 01:48:43 - Sound Bite: Jack Black has he ever witnessed that kind of behavior of the characters on set Yeah of course. I mean thats the fun thing about this movie for me is that uh I recognize all of those jokes about the pampered actor from personal experience you know and uh yeah I think that uh I think that everyone who sees the movies gonna be laughing but also not really believe that its not really like that on a movie set is it? And the answers well yes it is. 01:49:22 - Sound Bite: Jack Black how does he respond to the offering of pampering to him as an actor Yeah well at first you think this is absurd, why are they giving me all these things? I dont need all of this. Well actually as long as its here could you move it over to there, and then you start to get used to it and before you know it youre just a full-blown monster diva. 01:49:45 - Sound Bite: Jack Black what was it like to work with Downey Uh Robert you know gives an incredible performance and um he uh was just making me laugh so much on the set. Its uh its a thing to behold because were seeing his kind of coming out party as a comedian. Hes coming out of the drama closet and coming into the comedians closet. (talks) Hahaha um I mean in real life. No hes done comedies before, but this one is like (talks) yeah its uh, its such a good comedic performance I think were gonna actually have to sign him up as a member of the frat pack, and we havent added a member for uh over 10 years so its a big deal. 01:50:45 - Sound Bite: Jack Black Stiller as director I mean, the proof is in the pudding. Ultimately Ben is a great director because this movie came out so great, you know. Um and uh I think what makes him great is his attention to detail, hes got laser focus. (talks) Laser focus is a thing that you look at something and like a lot of people who look at a thing go yeah, this scene looks great, lets shoot it just like this. But if you have laser focus you go, nope, whats that? Whats that? And whats that performance? Everything is lasered and you know he uh he just cares so much about the product, you know and making it fantastic, yeah. (talks) Yeah hes to the point but hes also like uh hes no stone left unturned. Its like really, isnt that a tiny thing? Do we really have to focus on that? But it makes a difference all the little things. 01:51:51 - Sound Bite: Jack Black on Tom Cruise Yeah. Uh you know, Tom Cruise is amazing. Hes a great actor, and uh hes brought to this character what he brings to all his characters and thats uh thats something people usually think that these comedic performances are uh as challenging as dramatic ones but you see when a great dramatic actor comes in and uh cranks out a delicious good comedic performance you know that its great because they put all that work into it just like they do their other roles.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2530