- Title: FJ-HRN-2371
- Summary: GET SMART PREMIERE - PART ONE: HRN-2371 Get Smart - Premiere A01. HRN-2371 In:
- Description:00:00:31 - Out: 00:03:48 B-Roll: Get Smart movie marquee, zoom in and out of marquee signage, pan across title, a row of lights zoom out to press line prep, Get Smart signage, other marquee signage, the date on poster, zoom out to poster. CU characters on poster, Title on poster Get Smart. CU character faces. A02. HRN-2371 00:03:49 - In: 00:03:49 Out: 00:05:08 B-Roll: Wide shot of poster, different angles, camera man shooting, the poster again. 00:05:17 - A03. HRN-2371 In: 00:05:17 Out: 00:06:30 Sound Bite: Trevor Rabin Music Composer Get Smart The difficult thing was taking the theme and finding a contemporary way of doing it and uh, I didnt even working on the film until I had that voice and that way of doing it, that we were all comfortable with particularly the director, once we came to terms with that and the other thing is very fortunate is that all the temps, a lot of times these days you get on to a movie, the temp its been preset, and it eh, really you know, its hard to get away we call it temp itous, the people working on the movie say, well we like what youre doing, but lets listen to the temp one more time, and Ive been lucky enough to be the person whos temp had been in the movie and landed up doing the movie. But on this one, I did the temp, I came on a little earlier than normal and I was doing the temp as we went along, so it was really a labor of love and I really wanted to do this movie, really, really, wanted to do it. 00:07:12 - Sound Bite: Trevor Rabin Music Composer Get Smart What kind of futuristic gadget? I would have something that negated people being able to make music without having talent. Does that make any sense? OC: Are we talking about Idol people Trevor: You know what Im talking about. 00:07:53 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Mrs. Rabin and Friend 00:10:44 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Dr. Dorfmans daughter. 00:12:08 - B-Roll: Press photos shoot Brooke Burke, and her boyfriend David. 00:15:31 - Sound Bite: Nate Torrence Lloyd Get Smart You know, I would have to say something that would stop this sweating, think Botox might do it, its already invented, but I dont like needles. 00:15:52 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Mrs. Torrence 00:16:24 - Sound Bite: Bernie Kopell Opel Driver Get Smart Yes, I was Siegfried, in the original, I came in 1966 without a contract, I was doing the Marlo Thomas Show, two days a week or something, and I was doing Get Smart 3 days a week, a very confusing period for me, who ever dreamt that this would translate in to a cult classic to begin with on TV Land and then Warner Brothers just took this huge jump to make a 100 million dollar movie out of this with Steve Carell, Ann Hathaway, Terence Stamp, Alan Arkin, and the Rock, so this is just a phenomenal experience. 00:17:21 - Sound Bite: Bernie Kopell Opel Driver Get Smart I would have a gadget that would enlarge my kitchen, without having to go through this reconstruction, I would like to do it magically, we are about to enlarge our kitchen, you might have guessed, and I look forward to about six months of, not that I dont like Mexican music, not that I dont like strangers in my home, but this is what we have to look forward too. 00:19:17 - B-Roll: The press line on the carpet. Steve Carell arrives, stands for the press. 00:20:13 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Girl with Sunglasses 00:21:33 - Sound Bite: Cedric Yarbrough Tate Get Smart Futuristic gadget and why, um, the, how I do it, probably the self applying condom, where all I have to do is (he jumps slightly) and there it is, you know. OC: Thank you my man. Cedric: Thats not going to air anywhere is it? A little R-rated, I apologize. Hollywood Reporter: Reaction to Paramount Billion $ 00:23:10 - Sound Bite: Charles Roven Producer Get Smart Oh, Paramount did. Well good for them, I mean theyve had some really good, Iron Man, was great, what was it, was it Kung Fu Panda was that theirs? Ok, so thats good, DreamWorks, well they brought DreamWorks so they get to include that gross, Indiana Jones they released for George Lucas they get to include that gross so I think good for them, we like to see the studios make money, we like people going to the movies and you cant make money if people dont go. 00:23:44 - Sound Bite: Charles Roven Producer Get Smart You know honestly the thing coalesced for me when we brought Steve in to the room, and he was enthusiastic and told us it was one of his favorite series, when we got him in to the room this was actually about 2 and half, 3 years ago and 40 year Old Virgin, hadnt been come out yet, The Office, was maybe one or two episodes come out, the show wasnt doing all that well, and so, we had seen Steve in Bruce Almighty, and Anchorman, and The Daily Show, we thought he would be great as Maxwell Smart and he brought his head shot to the meeting, so, uh, so, he came on as Executive Producer, he helped developed the script, Pete Segal came on, and thats really when the whole thing coalesced, and I felt that Steve could bring his own character to it which is what he did. 00:24:43 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Girl with red hair 00:24:56 - B-Roll: The Rock arrives and stands for press 00:26:08 - Sound Bite: Brandon Molale Actor Ex-ray vision goggles, I like looking at women, is that enough, do I need to say anymore. Absolutely wouldnt it be great, I could go to Vegas and make a killing on Black Jack too. 00:27:13 - Sound Bite: Masi Oka Bruce Get Smart Any kind of futuristic gadget, spy gadget? You know I would probably get the Super Metabolizer, where you can hide it into your teeth and you could eat all you want and it would suck all the fat in. 00:27:49 - Sound Bite: Steve Carell Maxwell Smart Get Smart Its uh, its intimidating, I mean because its such a well defined, well loved, eh, character and series, that you just want to do it justice. 00:28:00 - A21. HRN-2371 In: 00:28:00 Out: 00:28:36 Sound Bite: Steve Carell Maxwell Smart Get Smart Oh yeah absolutely, yeah I just think its a hilarious idea, the idea of the whole spy genre is fun and exciting, I wanted to do it as an actual spy movie, I didnt want to do a spy spoof, I wanted to do a movie that looked and felt like an actual spy movie, real villains and situations that put people in jeopardy and plausible story points and within that have it be funny as well. A22. HRN-2371 In: 00:28:38 Out: 00:28:53 Sound Bite: Steve Carell Maxwell Smart Get Smart Well I think my wife came up with a good one earlier a salad spinner, something that actually takes the moisture off of your lettuce, I think would be fantastic. A23. HRN-2371 In: 00:28:54 Out: 00:29:06 B-Roll: Steve Carell, talking to reporters A24. HRN-2371 In: 00:29:11 Out: 00:29:27 B-Roll: Fashion Shot/ Mrs. Steve Carell A25. HRN-2371 In: 00:29:42 Out: 00:31:02 B-Roll: Steve Carell, talking to reporters, zoom in to poster, The rock talks to reporters, Ann Hathaway stands for the press. A26. HRN-2371 In: 00:31:55 Out: 00:32:24 Sound Bite: Dwayne The Rock Johnson Agent 23 Get Smart It would have to be, well there are 2 gadgets I want, one is already out there, the first one would be the cone of silence, because I love that one, um, and there have been some family members that I would like to put that thing over cause they talk too much, um, and the other one I would like is the gadget that isnt made yet but we are going to talk to the government is how to dominate the world with a smile, theres a gadget out there that will allow that. A27. HRN-2371 In: 00:32:51 Out: 00:33:08 B-Roll: Ann Hathaway talks to reporters A28. HRN-2371 In: 00:33:31 Out: 00:33:50 Sound Bite: Ken Davitian Shtarker Get Smart Ok, with discussed this Terence Stamp and I, who plays Siegfried, what we would like glasses that could see through peoples clothes, if I had them I wouldnt be looking at you though, but I would be looking. A29. HRN-2371 In: 00:35:07 Out: 00:35:30 Sound Bite: Alan Arkin The Chief Get Smart We were actors working on a script, there wasnt a lot of improve in the movie, every once in a while, there was a brilliant script written by two brilliant writers and we stuck to the script, every once in awhile if we had an impulse, every great once in awhile, something would fly out of our mouths, once and awhile it was kept in the movie, but 98% of it is written script. A30. HRN-2371 In: 00:35:35 Out: 00:36:03 Sound Bite: Alan Arkin The Chief Get Smart Alan: I would like a telephone, yes. OC: Why would you want a telephone? Alan: I want a telephone that works all the time, no matter where you are. OC: They have that. Alan: But not in Beverly Hills, they dont work in Beverly Hills, its crazy. A31. HRN-2371 In: 00:36:16 Out: 00:36:28 B-Roll: Fashion shot/Ann Hathaway A32. HRN-2371 In: 00:37:04 Out; 00:37:15 B-Roll: Fashion Shot: Girl with Black dress A33. HRN-2371 In: 00:37:23 Out: 00:37:36 Sound Bite: Ann Hathaway Agent 99 Get Smart Yeah, I had to learn how not to look like a goofy idiot, which was the first challenge, the second challenge, you know learn martial arts, the third challenge which was actually the biggest, now that I think about was keeping a straight face around Steve Carell, huge, huge, challenge. A34. HRN-2371 In: 00:37:38 Out: 00:38:00 Sound Bite: Ann Hathaway Agent 99 Get Smart Any spy? OC: Any spy in the movie world? Ann: I personally think that my luck has very good had to play opposite Maxwell Smart I would want that one to continue. OC: Other than Maxwell Smart? Ann: Other than Maxwell Smart. OC: You have a lot to chose from. Ann: Well Bond girls always die; so I think Austin Powers would be a good laugh. A33. HRN-2371 In: 00:38:55 Out: 00:39:24 Sound Bite: Jenna Fischer - Actress I would love to be in the Pierce Bronson double OO7 Bond movies. OC: Why? Jenna: Hes the sexiest, thats all, sexy guy. OC: British accent huh? Jenna: I think its the British accent, the cool car, all of it, yeah I like it, kind of a bad boy, so I think that would be the one for me, good gadgets in those movies too. OC: But we wont talk about the gadgets. (She laughs) A34. HRN-2371 In: 00:39:24 Out: 00:39:39 B-Roll: Fashion shot/Jenna Fischer Actress A35. HRN-2371 In: 00:40:33 Out: 00:40:52 Sound Bite: Jack Coleman Actor, and Beth Coleman Gadgets seems to be the question of the evening, I would make, I would have a gadget that makes French fries, able to lower your cholesterol and SUVs actually clean up greenhouse gases. A36. HRN-2371 In: 00:41:21 Out: 00:41:35 Sound Bite: Jack Coleman Actor, and Beth Coleman Beth: All of the men in this movie. Jack: Bonds? Beth: Ok, yeah, that would be good. OC: Which ones? Beth: That last one. A35. HRN-2371 In: 00:44:10 Out: 00:44:40 B-Roll: Fashion Shot: Terry Crews daughter. And Mrs. Crews. A36. HRN-2371 In: 00:45:32 Out: 00:46:05 Sound Bite: Terry Crews Agent 91 Get Smart The cone of silence, because every man, that would probably put 20 more years on to your marriage, you know what I mean, you go, Baby, Baby, Baby, you go, beep, I dont hear you, and youll be all on your own, its lovely, just shut up, shut up, there you go. Now the thing, I can say that, because she would probably say the same thing about me, I would be like, baby, baby and all of a sudden there be nothing coming out of mouth, so it would add years to your marriage, and uh, the cone of silence is my gift. 00:28:38 - Sound Bite: Steve Carell Maxwell Smart Get Smart Oh yeah absolutely, yeah I just think its a hilarious idea, the idea of the whole spy genre is fun and exciting, I wanted to do it as an actual spy movie, I didnt want to do a spy spoof, I wanted to do a movie that looked and felt like an actual spy movie, real villains and situations that put people in jeopardy and plausible story points and within that have it be funny as well. Sound Bite: Steve Carell Maxwell Smart Get Smart Well I think my wife came up with a good one earlier a salad spinner, something that actually takes the moisture off of your lettuce, I think would be fantastic. 00:28:54 - B-Roll: Steve Carell, talking to reporters 00:29:11 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/ Mrs. Steve Carell 00:29:42 - B-Roll: Steve Carell, talking to reporters, zoom in to poster, The rock talks to reporters, Ann Hathaway stands for the press. 00:31:55 - Sound Bite: Dwayne The Rock Johnson Agent 23 Get Smart It would have to be, well there are 2 gadgets I want, one is already out there, the first one would be the cone of silence, because I love that one, um, and there have been some family members that I would like to put that thing over cause they talk too much, um, and the other one I would like is the gadget that isnt made yet but we are going to talk to the government is how to dominate the world with a smile, theres a gadget out there that will allow that. 00:32:51 - B-Roll: Ann Hathaway talks to reporters 00:33:31 - Sound Bite: Ken Davitian Shtarker Get Smart Ok, with discussed this Terence Stamp and I, who plays Siegfried, what we would like glasses that could see through peoples clothes, if I had them I wouldnt be looking at you though, but I would be looking. 00:35:07 - Sound Bite: Alan Arkin The Chief Get Smart We were actors working on a script, there wasnt a lot of improve in the movie, every once in a while, there was a brilliant script written by two brilliant writers and we stuck to the script, every once in awhile if we had an impulse, every great once in awhile, something would fly out of our mouths, once and awhile it was kept in the movie, but 98% of it is written script. 00:35:35 - Sound Bite: Alan Arkin The Chief Get Smart Alan: I would like a telephone, yes. OC: Why would you want a telephone? Alan: I want a telephone that works all the time, no matter where you are. OC: They have that. Alan: But not in Beverly Hills, they dont work in Beverly Hills, its crazy. 00:36:16 - B-Roll: Fashion shot/Ann Hathaway . 00:37:04 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot: Girl with Black dress 00:37:23 - Sound Bite: Ann Hathaway Agent 99 Get Smart Yeah, I had to learn how not to look like a goofy idiot, which was the first challenge, the second challenge, you know learn martial arts, the third challenge which was actually the biggest, now that I think about was keeping a straight face around Steve Carell, huge, huge, challenge. 00:37:38 - Sound Bite: Ann Hathaway Agent 99 Get Smart Any spy? OC: Any spy in the movie world? Ann: I personally think that my luck has very good had to play opposite Maxwell Smart I would want that one to continue. OC: Other than Maxwell Smart? Ann: Other than Maxwell Smart. OC: You have a lot to chose from. Ann: Well Bond girls always die; so I think Austin Powers would be a good laugh. 00:38:55 - Sound Bite: Jenna Fischer - Actress I would love to be in the Pierce Bronson double OO7 Bond movies. OC: Why? Jenna: Hes the sexiest, thats all, sexy guy. OC: British accent huh? Jenna: I think its the British accent, the cool car, all of it, yeah I like it, kind of a bad boy, so I think that would be the one for me, good gadgets in those movies too. OC: But we wont talk about the gadgets. (She laughs) 00:39:24 - B-Roll: Fashion shot/Jenna Fischer Actress 00:40:33 - Sound Bite: Jack Coleman Actor, and Beth Coleman Gadgets seems to be the question of the evening, I would make, I would have a gadget that makes French fries, able to lower your cholesterol and SUVs actually clean up greenhouse gases. 00:41:21 - Sound Bite: Jack Coleman Actor, and Beth Coleman Beth: All of the men in this movie. Jack: Bonds? Beth: Ok, yeah, that would be good. OC: Which ones? Beth: That last one. 00:44:10 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot: Terry Crews daughter. And Mrs. Crews. 00:45:32 - Sound Bite: Terry Crews Agent 91 Get Smart The cone of silence, because every man, that would probably put 20 more years on to your marriage, you know what I mean, you go, Baby, Baby, Baby, you go, beep, I dont hear you, and youll be all on your own, its lovely, just shut up, shut up, there you go. Now the thing, I can say that, because she would probably say the same thing about me, I would be like, baby, baby and all of a sudden there be nothing coming out of mouth, so it would add years to your marriage, and uh, the cone of silence is my gift
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2371