- Title: FJ-HRN-2353
- Summary: The Love Guru Premiere: The Love Guru Premiere
- Description:01:00:43 - B-Roll The press line, zoom in and out to poster The Love Guru, tilt up and down on poster, quick zooms. Tower of the Chinese theatre pan down to blue carpet, the poster and camera guy shots it, the poster, pan to street, blue carpet to the poster, CU poster, pan across, tilt up. 01:03:33 - B-Roll CU Mike Meyers face from poster, zoom out to show poster fill. Hollywood Blvd., cars go by, the fans across the street. The press line, the press wait, the Blvd. again pans back to the press, the tower pan down to press and to the street. The poster/press line pan to the street, various CU on characters in poster. 01:07:44 - B-Roll Fire truck on street, pan across to fans waiting. Fire truck drives off, fans wait. From the fans to the poster. Poster signage, above the entrance, CU poster, the Chinese sign, the press line, back to street. The poster signage, Chinese Tower. The press line, back to poster. 01:11:25 - B-Roll The tour bus goes by. The lights of the press line, reporters doing stand ups. The dragon statue, the posters, CU light, CU Dragon emblem, the tower pan down to the poster. 01:16:14 - B-Roll The press line, CU camera man, CU Canadian flag. 01:18:26 - Sound Bite: Reggie Lee Actor It would be about enjoying everyday to its fullest, because you never know when youre going to conk out. 01:18:41 - Sound Bite: Reggie Lee Actor Uh, uh, uh, lifes awesome. 01:20:54 - B-Roll: Verne Troyer arrives and stands for press. 01:24:30 - B-Roll: Fashion shot/Girl white top, black skirt 01:25:32 - Sound Bite: George S. Clinton Music Composer The Love Guru It was great this is the fourth time Ive worked with me, I did the Austin Powers movies with him and even though it had been four years since the Austin Powers movies, when we got back together again, we had already had this good working relationship, thats so important when youre working on a film. 01:25:57 - Sound Bite: George S. Clinton Music Composer The Love Guru Uh, it would be about not sweating the small stuff. 01:26:12 - Sound Bite: George S. Clinton Music Composer The Love Guru Red Loin. OC: Red Loin? George: Yeah, isnt it intriguing, wouldnt you want to read a column by a guy named Red Loin to see why his name is Red Loin? It could be fun. 01:27:19 - B-Roll: Telma Hopkins arrives and stands for press. 01:30:27 - B-Roll: Tila Tequila arrives and stands for press. 01:34:03 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Blonde girl with black jacket
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2353