- Title: FJ-HRN-2345
- Summary: Berry Gordy Honored: Berry Gordy Honored at The Heart Foundation Gala
- Description:00:00:30 - B-Roll: Man with sunglasses and woman white dress, gold head band 00:00:56 - B-Roll: Norman Brokaw with wife and daughter 00:01:23 - B-Roll: The Press taking photos, bald African American man, with AA woman, A man with white hair and blonde woman. Berry arrives. Jimmy Jean Louise arrives and stands for press. 00:02:30 - Sound Bite: Jimmy Jean Louise, Actor Im going to have to go with Marvin Gayes, best of the best, you know, I pretty much like every single song of Marvin Gaye, but of course you do have the Smokey, and he, Gordy was on top of his game for I dont know how many years, its unbelievable now Im listening to that radio, 92.3 at times, Saturday mornings, pretty much every single tune comes from him. 00:03:17 - Sound Bite: Jimmy Jean Louise, Actor I just came back from France and England and they really think that he has a strong chance, as far as reputation, they think he is a good politician, so I dont think that can hurt anybody, Im supporting him, because I believe he is the right man for the job and I hope he takes it all the way to the White House. 00:03:41 - B-Roll: Singer Michael Johns and music producer David Foster stand for the press, Mary Hart arrives and stands for photos. 00:04:18 - Sound Bite: David Foster Music Producer My favorite Motown song is Reach Out, Ill be there by the four tops. Hands down, dont even know why. 00:04:30 - Sound Bite: David Foster Music Producer You know P.K. Shaw the cardiologists is world renowned, does amazing work, let me start again, because you wont be able to use that right, I know how hard it is to edit. P.K. Shaw is a friend and happens to be my doctor and an amazing cardiologists, a brilliant man, hes probably going to win a big prize very soon I think for what hes working on, thats half of it, and also Mark Lithman who but on the evening and Barry Gordy, I mean, its a moment in time that will never be recreated, what Barry Gordy did in Detroit, one city, all that talent, will never, ever be replicated in our life time. 00:05:18 - Sound Bite: David Foster Music Producer You know, knowing him, he would probably do it all over again somehow, but its kind of like trying to pin down the Beatles, its that big, or even bigger maybe, it was just as much as a cultural revolution, it was a social revolution, it was, its the fabric of my life thats for sure. OC: Mine too. David: And the songs were amazing and of course when you ask somebody like Barry who is such a genius, you ask him, how did you that? How did you know the Temptations, The Miracles, The Supremes and The Four Tops, how did you know? He has no answer, not that he wouldnt share it with you, but he cant share it with because he doesnt know himself, it just was by osmosiss, it just was because that how great he is. 00:06:12 - Sound Bite: Mary Hart TV Host Oh, you know what its so impossible; but I have to say, no I will say, Stop in the Name of Love, Diana Ross, Aint no mountain high enough, Diana Ross and The Supremes, there are so many, thats whats phenomenal about Motown it shaped my childhood. 00:06:35 - Sound Bite: Mary Hart TV Host We are here first of all, we have been associated with The Heart Foundation for several years, P.K. Shaw is our doctor, he is an incredible man, he has lead the way, paved the way for wonderful things happening in the area of heart research and treatment and uh, you know, we love him dearly, when they said we are going to honor Berry Gordy this year it was like a double whammy, because we have know Barry for so many years, so we jumped right on board as soon as they said would you Co-chair the event, we said absolutely, cant think of a better combination of men to try to do this with. 00:07:18 - Sound Bite: Mary Hart TV Host Absolutely, I am wearing Alan Freedman jewels tonight and the dress is Hitachi. OC: Very beautiful. Mary: Thank you, and accidently, I happen to match the dcor in the dinning room, Im like a napkin. (She laughs) There all purple. 00:07:38 - B-Roll: Fashion Shot/ Mary Hart TV Host, Mary and Berry Gordy stand for the press. Signage then pan down. Berry stands for photos. 00:08:56 - B-Roll: Mark Lithman and Berry Gordy stand for the press. Berry holds award. CU of award. Berry with his family. Berry with woman/wife? In red. Don Cornelius walks by with wife. 00:11:45 - Sound Bite: Don Cornelius TV Host Well, Berry Gordy and the Motown record company was sort of a dream for us, in a business where we could interface with Motown. Berry was my biggest inspiration even though I was not directly in the record business, but he was such an icon, such a hero and the fact that he even knew I existed made my life better. 00:12:43 - Sound Bite: Don Cornelius TV Host Motown and Berry Gordy was much more important and Im just very grateful that Berry Gordy came along, and that Motown came along, because it fed, it was the caviar that Soul Train needed to get started. 00:13:21 - B-Roll: Debbie Allen and Husband Norm Nixon arrive and stand for press. Berry talks to Billy Davis and Marilyn McCoo 00:14:10 - Sound Bite: Billy Davis Jr. & Marilyn McCoo Singers The Fifth Dimension Marilyn: Oh my God, well for one thing, when we were coming along, everyone, every young aspiring black artist wanted to be on Motown, I think all the white artists did too. Billy: Oh yeah. Marilyn: And, uh, when The 5th Dimension first started we were hoping to get a record deal with Motown. Billy: Yeah. Marilyn: And thats how we started our first recording and that is how we met our manager. Billy: Thats exactly right, in fact, I had audition for Motown and they put me on a waiting list, and thats the reason I didnt go to Detroit because I knew the line was all the back in St. Louis. But anyway while we were waiting we started The 5th Dimension. Actually we went to Motown and cut some sides with them, they kept us trying to get us to cut a number 1 record. OC: Which you ended up having anyway. Marilyn: Unfortunately it wasnt with Motown. Billy: But some stuff happened and uh we went in another direction and thank God because it give us a priority on the other side. Marilyn: We ended up with Mark Gordon who was our manager and he helped to open up all the opportunities that ended up with the group and Mark had been working with Motown and that is how we met him. 00:15:26 - Sound Bite: Billy Davis Jr. & Marilyn McCoo Singers The Fifth Dimension Marilyn: Well we werent an R & B outfit; you know The Fifth Dimension were known more for Pop. Billy: Pop, yeah right. Marilyn: Its a great story. Billy: Im going to try to tell you right quick. We were working in New York City at the Americana Hotel and I went shopping one day and I lost my wallet in Cab, a lot of people think this is a PR gimmick but its really the truth. A gentleman gets in the cab behind me, I go to his house and collect my wallet and I invite him to the American Hotel to see The 5th Dimension, when the show was over he came back stage and he invited us to see his show, come to find out he was one of the producers of Hair, his name was Ed Gifford and that was how we got Aquarius Marilyn: Thats how we got the song. 00:16:50 - Sound Bite: Berry Gordy Founder & President, Motown Inc. Oh, well I would do a lot the same, I mean, the internet is a delivery system and you have many delivery systems, TV, and internet and radio, this and that and so fourth. It is still the quality of the song, the quality of the music, and at Motown, we tried to do, I tried to encourage everyone to do everything from the truth of something. The truth of yourself, how you felt, if it was about you, the truth of the material, the producer had his own truth and that way you had all kind of subjects to deal about, because it was the truth, you know. When you did different things, like certain producers would deal with what was happening out in our times, you know, like Cloud 9, and some of the stuff, Papa was a Rolling Stone, some of those Norman Whitfield kind of stuff, he was one of our producers, so each one had a different style, Smoky was about love, lyrics and poetry and his songs were phenomenal and then there was some other people that did other things that were more dramatic, Holland, Dozier, Holland they had to driving beat and they were encouraged to stick with there feelings and not copy anything that was out, out side, you know, meaning not to be inspired by that, Because you can be inspired by anything and anybody, but, we, ah, had a different way of doing things at Motown, it was about, um, you know, it was about the best product. You know. 00:18:44 - Sound Bite: Berry Gordy Founder & President, Motown Inc. Well we were lucky that it was the 60s, because there was so much turmoil in the 60s, and the 60s were the year, the 60s were just, was a year that so many things happened, I mean the race riots, the this, the free love, all of this was happening in the 60s it was the most creative period probably in our history, and we were in that, we were caught up in that, as well as many other people, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin and all that stuff, we were just a part of that, but we were from Detroit and we didnt have the benefit of the New York and Chicago and uh, Atlanta, I mean Atlanta or California or whatever, we were just in Detroit so we had to go with our gut, our own feeling, our own environment, you know, we were from the inner city, and so we had to do a lot of things, but my father had always told me so basic firsts, some basic principals that I lived by. We kept everything really on the up and up, we kept it good, and I was in charge of everything, I made logic the boss and we didnt care, they could fight with me, I competed with all the artists and we created something that was great, and I give them the credit, the artists, because they believed in me and they had no real reason to, other than they looked at me, they looked in my eyes and said, hey, were going to follow you. You know. OC: Smart choice. Berry: Lucky choice for me.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2345