- Title: FJ-HRN-2249
- Summary: Perez Hilton Photo Shoot: Perez Hilton Photo Shoot
- Description:00:00:25 - A01. HRN-2249 In: 00.00.25 Out: 00.03.14 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez in make-up A02. HRN-2249 In: 00.03.19 Out: B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot - Perez in make-up A03. HRN-2249 In: 00.05.55 Out: 00.07.59 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez models with girls A04. HRN-2249 In: 00.08.02 Out: 00.11.58 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot - Perez models with girls A05. HRN-2249 In: 00.11.59 Out: 00.15.00 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot - Perez models with girls, Perez at monitor with photographer, Perez throwing pink balls, A06. HRN-2249 In: 00.15.01 Out: 00.18.47 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez with Models throwing pink balls, Perez at monitor, Perez with Models throwing pink balls A07. HRN-2249 In: 00.18.49 Out: 00.20.41 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez modeling with the girls A08. HRN-2249 In: 00.20.51 Out: 00.21.26 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton on having a photo shoot You know its its its interesting always to me to be the one in front of the camera because Im usually the one behind the computer screen blogging day and night away, but it was a lot of fun, Im really excited to be here and to be promoting my new fashion line for hot topic and I cant wait for everyone to be able to buy it in stores beginning June 6th and online so if youre somewhere other than America, you can go to HotTop.com or PerezHilton.com and buy this fabulous hoodie that Im wearing or any of the other wonderful items were selling. A09. HRN-2249 In: 00.21.31 Out: 00.22.16 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton being a celeb Uhm some people might consider myself a celebrity and and thats just flattering uhm and I think its kind of humorous that someone got a little recognition just writing about celebrities but I dont consider myself one. To me a celebrities is someone like Nicole Richie, to me a celebrity has negative connotations to me that word, theyre someone just famous for doing nothing you know I would say people wouldnt call Scarlett Johansson a celebrity they would call her an actress you know, I dont want to be called a celebrity I want to be called an entertainer, a blogger, a journalist, whatever Im someone that works really hard every day and about 8 to 9 million people a day enjoy my website and thats awesome, Im all over the world. A10. HRN-2249 In: 00.22.18 Out: 00.22.50 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton on his radio show I just started a radio show and whats great about it is it was the biggest debuting radio show in the last 10 years on radio you know off the bat were already in 33 markets in America and were being broadcast over Canada and were being broadcast in Australia and Im close to finalizing a deal to have radio Perez in the UK and its these really fun three minute features that air twice a day it gives you the latest dirt and the dish direct from Perez. A11. HRN-2249 In: 00.22.51 Out: 01.23.25 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton on Mariah Careys Marriage You know I uhm, Im still shocked Mariah Carey marriage, theyre going to be celebrating there two month anniversary of dating in a couple of weeks. So they knew each other so short amount of time and then they decided to get married, thats not what most people do, most people wait at lease Id say 6 to 8 months before they get engaged and then another 6 months to a year to get married. But hey they knew they were meant to be together right, theyll probably be divorced by fall. Thankfully though reports are that Mariah did get a prenup so her accountants can sleep easy. A12. HRN-2249 In: 01.23.24 Out: 00.24.13 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton I personally reached out to Hot Topic cause I, when I was thinking of starting my own fashion line I wanted to partner up with someone that really made sense and I really think that my brand fits very well with their brand, were both young brands we appeal to young people and uh bleh bleh feminine centric so I think that uhm my audience will be very happy and their audience will be very happy and maybe theyll be some nice cross over where we both get knew people exposed to each others brands. A13. HRN-2249 In: 00.24.18 Out: 01.23.25 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton I am committed to getting in shape, in fact Ive put it out there to the universe that Ill be jogging shirtless in Malibu forth of July weekend and I started off really slowly, oh my god yesterday I did a Spanish language interview and the journalist asked me if I had lap band surgery or if I had gastric bypass and I wasnt insulted I was flattered more than anything. I was like honey I wish, Ive been doing it the hard way, working for it. And its been a slow process, I started in January in 2008 and the first step was eating health so I signed up for a meal delivery program and Im getting my meals delivered and in that first month I lost weight just by eating healthily. The second month February I started incorporating a little exercise into my routine and by that I just mean walking, walking an hour a day five days a week and continuing eating healthily and I lost a little more weight that way. Then in March the third month I was already like seeing some results and feeling motivated by that and I started working out with a trainer and then Ive been working out with a trainer for a few months and Ive been getting even better results cause Ive been working out with my trainer, getting my meals delivered, sticking to healthy eating and not cheating and just working really hard and its great because Im making me a priority you know even though Id rather spend that one hour a day working cause Im such a workaholic uhm I feel better taking better care of myself. 00:03:19 - A02. HRN-2249 In: 00.03.19 Out: B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot - Perez in make-up 00:05:55 - A03. HRN-2249 In: 00.05.55 Out: 00.07.59 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez models with girls 00:08:02 - A04. HRN-2249 In: 00.08.02 Out: 00.11.58 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot - Perez models with girls 00:11:59 - A05. HRN-2249 In: 00.11.59 Out: 00.15.00 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot - Perez models with girls, Perez at monitor with photographer, Perez throwing pink balls, 00:15:01 - A06. HRN-2249 In: 00.15.01 Out: 00.18.47 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez with Models throwing pink balls, Perez at monitor, Perez with Models throwing pink balls 00:18:49 - A07. HRN-2249 In: 00.18.49 Out: 00.20.41 B-Roll - Perez Hilton Photo Shoot Perez modeling with the girls 00:20:51 - A08. HRN-2249 In: 00.20.51 Out: 00.21.26 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton on having a photo shoot You know its its its interesting always to me to be the one in front of the camera because Im usually the one behind the computer screen blogging day and night away, but it was a lot of fun, Im really excited to be here and to be promoting my new fashion line for hot topic and I cant wait for everyone to be able to buy it in stores beginning June 6th and online so if youre somewhere other than America, you can go to HotTop.com or PerezHilton.com and buy this fabulous hoodie that Im wearing or any of the other wonderful items were selling. 00:21:31 - A09. HRN-2249 In: 00.21.31 Out: 00.22.16 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton being a celeb Uhm some people might consider myself a celebrity and and thats just flattering uhm and I think its kind of humorous that someone got a little recognition just writing about celebrities but I dont consider myself one. To me a celebrities is someone like Nicole Richie, to me a celebrity has negative connotations to me that word, theyre someone just famous for doing nothing you know I would say people wouldnt call Scarlett Johansson a celebrity they would call her an actress you know, I dont want to be called a celebrity I want to be called an entertainer, a blogger, a journalist, whatever Im someone that works really hard every day and about 8 to 9 million people a day enjoy my website and thats awesome, Im all over the world. 00:22:51 - A11. HRN-2249 In: 00.22.51 Out: 01.23.25 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton on Mariah Careys Marriage You know I uhm, Im still shocked Mariah Carey marriage, theyre going to be celebrating there two month anniversary of dating in a couple of weeks. So they knew each other so short amount of time and then they decided to get married, thats not what most people do, most people wait at lease Id say 6 to 8 months before they get engaged and then another 6 months to a year to get married. But hey they knew they were meant to be together right, theyll probably be divorced by fall. Thankfully though reports are that Mariah did get a prenup so her accountants can sleep easy. 00:23:24 - A12. HRN-2249 In: 01.23.24 Out: 00.24.13 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton I personally reached out to Hot Topic cause I, when I was thinking of starting my own fashion line I wanted to partner up with someone that really made sense and I really think that my brand fits very well with their brand, were both young brands we appeal to young people and uh bleh bleh feminine centric so I think that uhm my audience will be very happy and their audience will be very happy and maybe theyll be some nice cross over where we both get knew people exposed to each others brands. 00:24:18 - A13. HRN-2249 In: 00.24.18 Out: 01.23.25 Sound Bite: Perez Hilton I am committed to getting in shape, in fact Ive put it out there to the universe that Ill be jogging shirtless in Malibu forth of July weekend and I started off really slowly, oh my god yesterday I did a Spanish language interview and the journalist asked me if I had lap band surgery or if I had gastric bypass and I wasnt insulted I was flattered more than anything. I was like honey I wish, Ive been doing it the hard way, working for it. And its been a slow process, I started in January in 2008 and the first step was eating health so I signed up for a meal delivery program and Im getting my meals delivered and in that first month I lost weight just by eating healthily. The second month February I started incorporating a little exercise into my routine and by that I just mean walking, walking an hour a day five days a week and continuing eating healthily and I lost a little more weight that way. Then in March the third month I was already like seeing some results and feeling motivated by that and I started working out with a trainer and then Ive been working out with a trainer for a few months and Ive been getting even better results cause Ive been working out with my trainer, getting my meals delivered, sticking to healthy eating and not cheating and just working really hard and its great because Im making me a priority you know even though Id rather spend that one hour a day working cause Im such a workaholic uhm I feel better taking better care of myself.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2249