- Title: FJ-HRN-2205
- Summary: Ashton Kutcher & Rob Corddry: What Happens in Vegas Junket Ashton Kutcher & Rob Corddry Interview HRN-2205
- Description:05:15:57 - Sound Bite: Ashton Kutcher & Rob Corddry on things they want staying in Vegas Kutcher There currently there in Vegas, and were trying to keep them there. Corddry Yeah we have a team of lawyers working to keep uh Kutcher The Vegas stories in Vegas Corddry Yeah because that slogan its actually not uh legally you know that slogan means nothing, its just a slogan Kutcher Theyre and theyre actually changing the slogan because of issues legal issues theyve had with the slogan because people went to Vegas assuming what happened would stay there and it didnt, so theres a lawsuit currently taking place between Rob and I and the city of Las Vegas for the slogan that is a lie. Corddry Yes, and Im suing Ashton just for why not. Kutcher just because Ive got money, yeah. (talks) Im wealthy, independently so. Corddry I would like a little bit of it. Kutcher Im like new money. Corddry hahahahaha 05:16:17 - Sound Bite: Ashton Kutcher & Rob Corddry Brooks asks about chemistry Corddry Oh forget it, oh forget it, this? Kutcher Fire in the hole. Hahaha I dont even know what that means. I just said it.. 05:17:17 - Sound Bite: Ashton Kutcher & Rob Corddry practical jokes Ashton made Corddry This guy? Yes. He would text me. Kutcher No dont tell dont tell. Keep it in Vegas, keep it in Vegas! Corddry He texted me once, and he said, Is your refrigerator running? Kutcher Oh god. Corddry I was like yeah, of course, how else am I gonna keep my damn food cold? And he goes, No, I didnt mean to make your food cold, I meant is it running in that you would have to go catch it because it had legs. Kutcher you better go catch it! Corddry And he ran over his character limit, so this was like a 3 part like big text, and I was like, Oh man, Kutcher got me again. He got me again. Kutcher I was gonna do it over the phone but I dont like talking on the phone because its usually tapped for me now. Corddry But you nailed me. Kutcher good, yeah. 05:18:10 - Sound Bite: Ashton Kutcher & Rob Corddry on fake fighting Corddry I love fake punching, and or taking a fake punch, love it, theres nothing more fun than that. Kutcher when I was in high school, we had like a combat class, we did like, we actually did in my high school acting class, we did a combat class where we were supposed to like learn. Its like its the silliest idea of all time to give a bunch of high schoolers like staffs and bos as if like somehow I was gonna be playing like an African in like a film where Im gonna have to have like a staff and a bo and like fight or like an Incan, Mayan refu, like Im like, at what point in time am I gonna be playing a character that Im gonna be carrying a staff and a bo that Im fighting with I dont quite. Corddry I was in college and my roommate and I would be hanging out and be like, hey you wanna go outside and fake fight? And hed be like, Yeah, alright. And wed go outside on the lawn and fake fight. Whats more fun than that? Kutcher its very uh yeah, and plus when Zach Galifianakis does this, that was his move, and I was like, you didnt have that fighting class in high school did you? He did like this weird like leverage this, youre, you actually took the blow pretty nice there, you have this angle, were gonna show you how this works, were gonna show you how to take a punch Vegas style. Corddry Now look, the victims always in charge. Kutcher now heres the thing, youre in charge, now what were gonna do, for this camera because of this angle where it is, Im gonna punch you this way, in front of your face but its gonna scrape, but when I do that you have to flip, turn your head that way, okay, so, no no no no, what the hell was that? Corddry That was terrible. That was terrible. Kutcher Youre clearly not an actor. Okay so so so when I punch, you turn your head sort of up in that direction, like gush, yeah ok like that ok now that was a slow-mo version Corddry now add a sound effect. Kutcher now Im gonna do it again, ready? Wa-pish. How did that look? Was it? Its a connect! You have now learned out to take a punch, a comedic punch. Brooks Do I get my SAG card? Kutcher and I dont know if you heard me do the wa-pish Corddry you did, it sounded just like a punch. Brooks Great sound effect. Kutcher thats how punches sound. Corddry Did you really hit him? Kutcher Thats how they sound. Rob got scared.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2205