- Title: FJ-HRN-1655
- Summary: Keira Knightley/Atonement: HRN-1655 Atonement Junket Keira Knightley Friday, November 16, 2007
- Description:12:56:56 - Sound Bite: Keira Knightley Working with the director Yeah, I mean, you know, I think whats been wonderful about working with Joe is that I think creatively we have a really great chemistry. We, were mate. Um and I, I find it, we have the same language um to speak, you know, emotional language, which is very rare I think between actor and director. He completely understands what Im saying to him when Im trying to describe the emotional journey of my character. Um hes very exciting to work with. I think it was amazing working with him again, because, and especially doing a character that was so completely different from the one in Pride and Prejudice. It was a very exciting process. We got to the point where we actually didnt really even need to speak. Hed just give me one look and Id know exactly what it was. I think that, you know, its amazing when you get to that point with somebody. And it is very rare. 12:58:03 - Sound Bite: Keira Knightley More on director and rehearsals No, of course not. But um, but no, it was amazing, because it was very much at a point where most people were kind of going on, pretty face cant act, you know, at which I was very aware of. And uh, it was Joe that was going, Oh, come on. You can do something here. You can actually bring something to the table. And I think that when somebody puts that kind of trust on you, its really amazing. Um, I think the collaboration, he likes, he really really prepares. Hes obsessed by every aspect of filmmaking. Um there isnt anything that hes not interested by, or anything that he doesnt want to talk about. Um have a kinda two and a half week rehearsal period before you start work, which is virtually unheard of for film. Um and thats a time where we would all, the whole cast, would get together, youd get to know each other, youd talk about the scenes, youd talk about your characters, youd talk until you couldnt talk anymore so that everything had got out. You know, youd got everything out, youd gone through everything, so that when we got to set, everybody had quite a clear idea of what we were meant to do, everybody was on the same page, you know, as far as the accents go, we were going back to a very nineteen forties style of acting that really isnt done anymore on film. Um so it meant a lot of us sitting around and just watching nineteen forties movies over and over again. For me it was Brief Encounter with Celia Johnson. Cecilia Johnson was a huge inspiration for Cecilia in Atonement. Um and Deborah ? and people like that. Um and Joe very much encouraged that. So that was, it was great. 12:59:49 - Sound Bite: Keira Knightley How she feels being an actress Absolutely. You know what, I mean I It is still very a male, a very male dominated industry. The, you know, you get way more parts for actors than you do actresses, um and and so Im in an incredibly privileged position to be offered parts like Cecilia, parts like Elizabeth Bennet, you know, its what every actress dreams about. Um, so Im very lucky there. 13:00:17 - Sound Bite: Keira Knightley Different roles in films Yeah, I mean it, I think it, thats for me, thats what actings about. Its about change. Im not interested in playing the same person again and again, or playing, being in the same genre of film again and again, you know, I want to change as much as I can, so the opportunity to do a film thats as wonderful and as fun and action packed as, as Pirates of the Caribbean, and then go to something like Atonement, thats what its about, and thats what excites me about the whole industry.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2007
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-1655