- Title: FJ-HRN-1597
- Summary: Columbus Short & Idris Elba/This Christmas: HRN-1597 Cam A This Christmas Columbus Short & Idris Elba
- Description:05:59:38 - A01. HRN-1597 Cam A Sound Bite: Columbus Short & Idris Elba stomp the yard a hit Columbus No we didnt know I was going to be number one but we all hoped it would be and we all put out hearts and soul on the line in aspirations for it to be number one just like this movie and and you like that transition, seamless. And uh you know this movie we did the same thing. You have you know Idris, Regina, Loretta, Delroy, Sharon, Lauren, you just have a fantastic cast of people ready to you know put it on the line. (talks) Yeah right he orchestrated that. 06:00:12 - A02. HRN-1597 Cam A Sound Bite: Columbus Short & Idris Elba not being on the wire Idris No Im not, The Wire I left two years ago but what a way to keep up. (talks) Im playing, Im playing, Im joking. (talks) No Im not on the show anymore literally Ive moved on from that but uhm it is you know we got a great cast obviously getting everyone together for the same room at the same time and doing this film was obviously a great achievement and I think it works completely you know and Im so thankful that I did It you know I was uh Columbus thankful that you did it too Idris me too. 06:00:52 - A03. HRN-1597 Cam A Sound Bite: Columbus Short & Idris Elba Columbus yeah I think I have a big extended family and whether you have a family or not youre going to relate period, everybody is someone in this family, White, Black, Asian,. Idris Yeah theres defiantly a universal feeling to this film you know what I mean thats one thing that every journalist, anyones that seen it is like I wasnt sure what I was going to expect, African American film you know blah blah blah and there like yo I just enjoyed that film. And heres the other thing it isnt even Christmas yet you know what Im saying. Columbus Yeah its not. Idris its not Christmas yet and people are steal feeling the vibe from the films. So imagine when uh chestnuts are roasting on the open fire. Columbus exactly, frost nipping at your nose. Idris its going to be, youre going to love that film. 06:01:32 - A04. HRN-1597 Cam A Sound Bite: Columbus Short & Idris Elba black Christmas movies. Columbus I mean a couple this year and when you get even smaller its like a couple with our type of faces. (talks) you know what Im saying, no theres none. (talks) no there hasnt this is going to be the first one I think theres going to be a classic man. Idris Well were used to seeing fantastical films you know what I mean Columbus slap stick over the top Idris and no no like Santa Claus, special effects all of that. This is a real story, its a real story, its about a family that come home for Christmas and the drama that comes with it you know (talks) Columbus well it wasnt written as a comedy I didnt know we were laughing until I was in the theatre and I heard people laughing at to what we were saying Idris its true actually. 06:02:38 - A05. HRN-1597 Cam A Sound Bite: Columbus Short & Idris Elba moving funny/dramatic Columbus Yeah shes funny ? is absolutely not funny neither is he. Idris Quinton isnt funny. Hes a funny hair cut. Columbus Hes funny looking, cause of the Mohawk, he, thats in a feet that in it of itself he, he made you take him seriously and he had a wide all the way back Mohawk Idris and he looked serious in a short way in the uniform. Columbus with the juggle neck, which was impossible. Idris its very tough to be short and be in a uniform. Columbus Yeah were just going to have to just, should we do some pick ups of this movie before it comes out? (talks) Idris He can wear some platforms though just get him a little more. 06:03:24 - A06. HRN-1597 Cam A Sound Bite: Columbus Short & Idris Elba dropping accent Idris its always a challenge you know I want to be right, I want to be perfect, you know I take time out to make sure its right. Columbus No dialogue coach. Idris and Im glad that its working for me but you know its always a challenge to, I dont take it lightly, ever, ever.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2007
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-1597