- Title: FJ-HRN-1519
- Summary: Resident Evil Extinction Premiere: Resident Evil Extinction Red Carpet Premiere
- Description:00:08:58 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Resident Evil Motorcycle, people all around Casino, poster to carpet, camera cutaways 00:11:37 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Resident Evil stepping background, Weird alien dude on carpet 00:14:00 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere - Hans Klok 00:20:02 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Oded Fehr 00:21:23 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Pamela Anderson going up escalator 00:22:09 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere - Oded Fehr talking to reporter 00:22:44 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Pamela Anderson on red carpet 00:23:01 - Sound Bite: Oded Fehr 00:23:25 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Pamela Anderson on red carpet, 00:24:38 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Pamela Anderson talking to reporters 00:25:04 - Sound Bite: Pam Anderson Oh, my brothers movie. Yeah, I did that as a favor for my brother. He wrote and he produced it, so um I went to Canada worked a couple days on it and had some fun. 00:25:28 - B-Roll - Graham McTavish (bald)/Matthew Marsden - John Rambo 00:26:28 - Sound Bite: Graham McTavish (bald)/Matthew Marsden - John Rambo Graham - Yeah sure no I mean incredibly exciting, incredibly exciting fantastic experience, Thailand was amazing, Sly was extraordinary, you, you have no idea, you can never turn up on set tired with that guy, he is, he is so full of energy, hes incredible. 00:26:47 - Sound Bite: Graham McTavish (bald)/Matthew Marsden - John Rambo Graham - Us Matthew - And I think this goes back I think this goes back more to the first film, the feeling of the first film I think he very much wanted to recreate that sort of feeling, so yeah. 00:27:01 - Sound Bite: Graham McTavish (bald)/Matthew Marsden - John Rambo Graham well I play the leader of a group of mercenaries, Im uh Im called lewis and Id say Im really a rather angry man, that best sums up my character Matthew Well I play uhm again one of mercenaries that actually, its kind of the moral compos of the movie and he splits off and teams up with Rambo for the majority of the movie. 00:27:27 - Sound Bite: Graham McTavish (bald)/Matthew Marsden - John Rambo Matthew ah its terrible, no you know its working with a legend, its absolutely amazing and uh the whole experience was wonderful you know you sit there and you know you find yourself like standing out of yourself a little bit realizing that youre with a living legend and its kind of difficult at times you know youre really remember youre doing the characters and trying to be real and yet hes a force of nature that guy, really hes incredible, you know hes there doing pull ups you know and Im like wow I cant even do that myself you know incredibly fit. Graham he sets a high bench mark thats for sure. Matthew theres uh, theres only been and ever will be one Sylvester Stallone. 00:31:46 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere girls dressed in red 00:34:22 - B-Roll - Resident Evil Extinction Premiere Milla on red carpet
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2007
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-1519