- Title: FJ-HRN-487
- Summary: Invincible / Elizabeth Banks: HRN-487 Cam A Invincible Elizabeth Banks
- Description:12:28:13 - A01. HRN-487 Cam A In: 12.28.13 Out: 12.29.00 Sound Bite: Elizabeth Banks I grew up in Massachusetts and if I had to claim a team it would defiantly be the Pats yes I mean look I certainly theyve been doing great the last few years Im a huge Tom Brady fan I think Bill Belichicks brought a lot to the team, Im very said to see (?) go you know so yeah I follow them as much as I can follow them living in California. (talks) yeah I really like football, I love live sports. You know I went to a couple of Eagles games back when I lived Philadelphia in at the old veterans stadium with the hardcore fans up you know way up you know where people get into fist fits, its great, its awesome I love being part of it, being part of that energy. 12:29:11 - A02. HRN-487 Cam A In: 12.29.11 Out: 12.29.56 Sound Bite: Elizabeth Banks The one in my town is called Pepes and yes we know it well (talks) yeah you know I was a Bartender in New York City and a cocktail waitress and I know that world, I like that. I like that world I like that sense of comradely, I like the watering hole, the sense of the regulars coming in. You know its a fun job if you let it be a fun job and I think in this movie were having a fun time with it. Back then you know there werent flat screen TVs and sports bars so this is where the community came together to you know hang out which I loved, I Loved being a part of that. 12:30:08 - A03. HRN-487 Cam A In:12.30.08 Out: 12.30.40 Sound Bite: Elizabeth Banks I have been to Yankees Stadium wearing my Red Sox hat and the good think about Yankee Stadium actually is that a lot of Red Sox fans can get to Yankees Stadium so there are usually is a significant group. But certainly Janet in the movie would have been taking her life into her own hands by you know walking into that stadium you know wearing that Giants outfit. Luckily she has the guys around her to sort of protect her. Shes certainly routing for Vince but she wouldnt mind if the giants won. 12:30:53 - A04. HRN-487 Cam A In: 12.30.53 Out: 12.31.20 Sound Bite: Elizabeth Banks Yeah a lot of dancing around yeah a lot of timing issues, you always meet somebody that youre interested in but maybe the timings a little off and also they were both coming off of bad relationships so they were a little reluctant to get into a relationship with somebody but at the same time you cant deny, you cant deny when theres a spark there. You know you want to honor that spark but yeah its complicated.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2006
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-487