- Title: 11 O'Clock Show - Series 2
- Date: 18th April 1999
- Description:You need never watch the news again. Three times a week, The 11 O'Clock Show will be reporting the day's biggest stories, campaigning boldly on the issues that affect the general public. Returning to host is TV's Iain Lee and he will be ably assisted by Daisy Donovan and Mackenzie Crook. He'll be finding out what the kids think, literally, when he talks to groups of eight and nine year olds about law and order, immigration and war. Joining Iain will be Channel 4's "Voice of Youth" Ali G, who, like a Brian Waldon for the streets, does not shrink from asking the difficult questions in his ceaseless search for truth. Getting straight to the core of the day's biggest stories is Tommy Vance, whose hard-hitting 'News Slam' has already been described as 'the cruise missile of modern journalism'. And The 11 O'Clock Show does not limit itself to events at home - there will be reports from across Europe, while developments across the Atlantic are relayed by US correspondent, Rich Hall, live from the States. Written and recorded on the day of transmission, the show will provide up-to-the-minute comedy on breaking stories and the big issues of the day.
- Broadcaster:Channel 4
- Collection: Channel 4
- Genre:Entertainment
- Producer:Talkback Productions Ltd.
- Programme Episode:Episode 24
- Transmission Date:18/04/1999
- Rights:On Request
- Decade: 1990s