Record ID: 468056
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/ 10:04:00:24

  • 10:00:00:020:00-10:00:06:070:06
    Are another area where we have and can continue to show leadership, we're on course to protecting an area of ocean the size of India.
  • 10:00:06:160:06-10:00:12:140:12
    I get the world to agree to commit to protecting 30 percent of the world's oceans and within a day.
  • 10:00:18:010:18-10:00:39:230:39
    And, of course, traveling to the to the next huge question on the environment we are at a crossroads will simply have no chance of averting catastrophic climate change if we don't reverse the deeply worrying decline of wildlife habitats and nature conservation and biodiversity and addressing the climate crisis.
  • 10:00:40:070:40-10:00:42:160:42
    There are two sides of the same coin.
  • 10:00:43:130:43-10:00:58:090:58
    Both are crucial for humanity's future stability, prosperity and quality of life, and we need to act now to reverse the tragic loss of biodiversity at home and around the world.
  • 10:00:58:220:58-10:01:05:081:05
    This was the powerful message our prime minister gave at the G7 and at the UN last week.
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    As you've heard, he made a historic commitment to double our funding to eleven point six billion pounds to help developing countries protect nature and climate.
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    And this is going to safeguard vast areas of wildlife habitats and conserve them for future generations.
  • 10:01:25:091:25-10:01:45:131:45
    And our domestic commitment to nature recovery will be driven by our hugely ambitious 25 year environment plan and the landmark environment bill I'll present to Parliament will push that work forward, including the creation of a powerful new independent environmental watchdog.
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    And we're pushing the water companies to do more to combat pollution so our rivers and waterways are cleaner.
  • 10:01:52:241:52-10:01:58:211:58
    We've set ourselves demanding targets for cleaning up air quality so children grow up.
  • 10:01:58:211:58-10:02:03:182:03
    Growing up today can live longer and healthier lives.
  • 10:02:04:012:04-10:02:12:072:12
    And this week we've pledged up to a billion more to reduce harmful emissions from transport to tackle that air quality challenge.
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    And we're delivering major programs of tree planting, a vital component of becoming the net zero economy we've talked about in this debate today.
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    I am delighted to announce the will press ahead with creating extensive new forests in Northumberland.
  • 10:02:30:112:30-10:02:34:152:34
    Following on from our pioneering work on the northern forest.
  • 10:02:40:242:40-10:02:54:122:54
    In the years to come, the lasting legacy of this government will include millions of trees to enhance our landscapes, improve our quality of life and protect our climate for future generations.
  • 10:02:55:022:55-10:03:01:013:01
    And we are resolute in our determination to tackle plastic pollution.
  • 10:03:01:203:01-10:03:04:023:04
    Who could fail in?
  • 10:03:07:183:07-10:03:17:113:17
    I mean, who of us who could fail to be moved by what we've seen on our TV screens of pictures of birds and mammals choked by plastic, literally choked.
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    And we will not stand by and let the tragedy of plastics pollution in our oceans continue.
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    We've introduced world leading measures on microbeads, and our plastic bag charge has seen bag use plummet by 90 percent since it was introduced.
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    I'm working with.
  • 10:03:43:033:43-10:04:00:094:00
    And working with overseas territories, we're on track to protect over four million square kilometers of the world's oceans by the end of next year, and we're building an international coalition to enable us to go even further and even faster.