- Title: British Academy Film Awards 2008: Tilda Swinton wins Supporting Actress award
- Date: 10th February 2008
- Summary: British Academy Film Awards 2008 British Academy Film Awards Ceremony
- Description:Cuba Gooding Jr presents the award for Supporting Actress, won by Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton), at the British Academy Film Awards 2008, held at the Royal Opera House in London, U.K. on 10 February, 2008./ Tilda Swinton acceptance speech - ... this is for sure this is the closest I've been to one of those ... I thought these were just given to people who suffered...I can't tell you how hard it was to make this film .. it was so easy (laughter) ... Tony Gilroy is one righteous dude and George Clooney is a complete bastard ... (excerpt only - full speech available on request)
- Collection: BAFTA
- Genre:Entertainment
- Producer:BAFTA
- Keywords: British Academy of Film and Television Arts; BAFTA; Arts; Culture; Britain; UK; United Kingdom; Film; Movies; Cinema; Awards ceremony; 2008; Royal Opera House; Winners; Presentation; Announcement; Best of; Nominated; Nominee; Winning; Actor; Actress; Supporting; British; Female; English
- City: London
- Country: United Kingdom
- Transmission Date:10/02/2008
- Decade: 2000s