- Title: STS-81534
- Summary: NEWSFEED: 9/16-19/05: NEWSFEED: 9/16-19/05 SLAUGHTERHOUSE, WILDFIRES, HURRICANES KATRINA/RITA, JOHN KERRY, 92 WINS JACKPOT, IRAQ, NEW ORLEANS, RAY NAGIN;INT survellience footage of slaughterhouse, T/H lawyer discusses rotten meat at meat factory, T/H meat packer; DX EXT serbians leave AZ courthouse after immigration arrest, T/H lawyers discuss case;INT black man recalls living through Hurricane Ivan, huge church choir, var priests speak, congregation, priest sings;DUSK EXT ws wildfires burning in forest, lighting up sky;INT hands play slot machine, T/H 92 year old man discusses winning megabucks jackpot--$21 million;DX EXT aftermath of bombing in Lebanon, building destroyed, soldiers inspect ruins, break glass; INT guys open locker w/money inside, DX EXT workers load money bags onto armored car, car drives away; DUSK EXT huge ceremony, protest in South American city, leader (president?) speaks, candlelight vigil on steps; DX EXT Lil' Kim enters jail, lots of press around her; DX EXT South American cargo ship in dock, INT press conference, EXT sheets of ice and glaciers in cold ocean;INT UN session, Hispanic man speaks, US section is empty, Cuban delegates applaud, WS conference room; DX EXT T/H man, 50s, discusses possibility of Hurricane Rita striking, Katrina damage in trailer park;INT Mayor of Miami holds briefing regarding Rita, T/H police chief, T/H mayor;DX EXT black man discusses damage to home from Katrina, CU flies, var shots of mold, damage and broken power lines;T/H woman recalls her dog killed and skinned, photo of dog, EXT scene of crime, more photos of dog, T/H man, 20s;DX EXT wildfires burn mountain, car drives away, man hangs out at tractor, Grants Gymnasium;DX EXT T/H reporter in yellow shirt discusses Rita hitting Bahamas, var shots of storm, T/H local, var shots around Caribbean; DX EXT NO Saints fan in parking lot at Meadowlands, discusses impact of Katrina on football team, Red Cross drive;DX EXT boat sinking in river; NX EXT HUGE CROWD thousands swarm Shiite festival in downtown Karbala, lights, candles, fireworks; DX EXT traffic on NO freeway, buildings w/shattered glass, soldiers de-board bus, damaged Hyatt Hotel, empty downtown streets;INT T/H Mayor Nagin, T/H female soldier, more shots of Nagin;DX EXT T/H Richard Hatch interviewed by press regarding court case;INT T/H Lyndie England, STILLS of England participating in prisoner abuse at Abu Gharib;DX EXT var shots of storm hitting, T/H man gives briefing on RIta, evac in progress, high angle of Katrina damage, cars on highway;REPEAT segment with Saints fan at Giants game;INT T/H Cindy Sheehan speaks out against war at briefing, signs for march on Washington, anti-war signs, more Cindy;INT AZ Governor visits USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, shown oil stains on floor, T/H Gov (female), throws flowers into water;INT Sen. John Kerry gives speech in Rhode Island;INT huge line of women waiting to see Sarah Jessica Parker promote her fragrance, Parker poses for photos;DX EXT Family Express gas station, crime scene, lots of cop cars, cops surround scene;
- Description:14:27:22 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:27:29 - T/H lawyer discusses gross conditions at meat factory 14:27:35 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:27:38 - T/H lawyer discusses gross conditions at meat factory 14:27:42 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:27:45 - T/H lawyer discusses gross handling of meat at meat factory 14:27:50 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:27:53 - T/H lawyer discusses purchases of meat 14:28:07 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:28:10 - T/H lawyer discusses rotten meat at meat factory (mentions positive test for salmonella) 14:28:15 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:28:20 - T/H lawyer discusses temporary shut-down of meat factory, criminal charges against owner 14:28:29 - INT surveillance footage of slaughterhouse 14:28:31 - T/H lawyer discusses case of slaughterhouse regulations 14:28:42 - INT surveillance of footage of slaughterhouse 14:28:46 - T/H lawyer discusses case (for sake of public health) 14:28:57 - Text-on-screen, "immigration, AZ Serbs Arrested" 14:29:24 - Court building shots 14:29:30 - T/H Lawyers discuss case 14:29:51 - Court building shots 14:29:56 - T/H lawyers discuss case 14:30:19 - Dx EXT Serbians leave AZ courthouse after immigration arrest 14:30:27 - T/H lawyers discuss case 14:30:29 - Dx EXT Serbians leave AZ courthouse after immigration arrest 14:30:54 - Text-on-screen, "school incident, CA Child handcuffed" 14:31:12 - Union Avenue School, students walking through front doors 14:31:18 - Mother, child, lawyer, prepare statements at press / news conference 14:31:22 - Close-up of child's face 14:31:31 - Mother describes son being handcuffed at school 14:31:40 - Son along fence-side, children play in background audio 14:31:52 - Text-on-screen, "history, FL Hurricane Ivan remembered" 14:32:26 - INT man discusses living through Hurricane Ivan 14:32:48 - Church choir sings 14:32:52 - Various pastors speak 14:33:03 - Congregation 14:33:06 - Pastor speaks 14:33:10 - Colorguard marches through congregation 14:33:17 - Pastor leads congregation in song, "God Bless America" 14:33:27 - Various pastors speak 14:33:38 - Congregation 14:33:40 - Pastor speaks 14:33:50 - Priest sings 14:34:01 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, TX evacuees move into homes" 14:34:50 - Family moving into home 14:35:02 - Man discusses need to get his own home and restart life, various shots of home 14:35:29 - Women answering phones, "The Potter's House" 14:35:50 - Woman discusses living homeless and finding comfort in this apartment 14:35:58 - Man discusses comfort of new apartment 14:36:13 - Text-on-screen, "Wildfires, ID burns 31-hundred acres" 14:36:33 - DUSK EXT WS wildfires burning forest, lighting up sky 14:37:31 - Text-on-screen, "Gambling, NV 92-yr-old hits 2nd jackpot" 14:38:03 - Hands play slot machines 14:38:09 - T/H 92-year old man discusses winning megabucks ($21 million) 14:38:19 - Various slot machine shots and building shots 14:38:31 - T/H 92-year old man discusses winning megabucks ($21 million) for second time 14:38:59 - Text-on-screen, "Lebanon, bomb aftermath" 14:39:16 - Dx EXT aftermath of bombing in Lebanon, building destroyed, soldiers check ruins 14:40:08 - Woman discusses bombing and shock 14:40:14 - Broken glass 14:40:46 - Text-on-screen, "Feature, NASCAR million dollar giveaway" 14:41:07 - INT man opens locker with money inside, money is counted, loaded into armored truck 14:42:03 - Armored truck drives away 14:42:17 - DUSK EXT large ceremony 14:42:39 - DUSK EXT protest in South American city 14:42:43 - Leader of city speaks and then sings with choir 14:43:08 - Candle-light vigil on steps 14:43:21 - Text-on-screen, "entertainment, Lil' Kim begins jail sentence" 14:43:31 - Lots of press surrounding Lil' Kim 14:43:52 - Shots of Lil' Kim's RV 14:44:01 - Lil' Kim enters jail, press swarm her 14:44:25 - Text-on-screen, "Argentina, rescue effort in Antarctica" 14:44:39 - DX EXT South American cargo ship at dock 14:44:51 - INT Press conference 14:45:20 - EXT sheets of ice, holes in ice and people working on ice. 14:45:45 - INT Press conference 14:45:54 - EXT ice and glaciers in cold ocean 14:46:18 - Text-on-screen, "Cuba, foreign minister US criticism" 14:46:40 - UN Session, Hispanic man speaks, US section of seating is empty, along with others as camera pans out 14:48:07 - Cuban delegates applaud 14:48:19 - Text-on-screen, "Rita, MS residents fear another stor" 14:48:52 - DX EXT T/H man discusses possibility of Rita striking 14:49:15 - Damage from Hurricane Katrina in trailer park 14:49:45 - T/H man discusses possibility of another hurricane striking 14:49:59 - Text-on-screen, "Rita, Miami mayor/EOC 6pm briefing" 14:50:12 - Miami mayor holds briefing regarding Rita and storm watch, includes evacuation details. 14:51:48 - Text-on-screen, "Rita, Key West 7pm EOC Briefing" 14:52:13 - T/H police chief discusses damage done from Katrina, and includes details of travel. T/H fire chief discusses plans for the storm. 14:53:37 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, LA-Algiers Residents Clean Up" 14:53:50 - Clean-up from storm 14:53:54 - Man discusses damages done during Hurricane Katrina 14:54:32 - Damage shots, fallen trees, broken power lines 14:54:44 - Man discusses damages to power lines 14:54:55 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, TX-Reunion arena update" 14:55:13 - Various shots of life in arena housing 14:55:53 - T/H Woman discusses difficulty finding a place for recent felons 14:56:08 - Text-on-screen, "Rita, Bahamas residents prep" 14:56:30 - Shots of trees in wind 14:56:38 - T/H Woman discusses people leaving for storm 14:56:47 - Shots of surrounding town 14:56:53 - T/H Woman discusses hope for storm to not hit area 14:56:58 - Shots of surrounding town 14:57:10 - T/H Man discusses Rita vs. Katrina 14:57:26 - Text-on-screen, "Wildfires, NM- Pine Canyon Burns" 14:57:49 - Text-on-screen, "Animal abuse, WA dog killed and skinned" 14:58:05 - T/H Woman recalls discovering her dog killed and skinned 14:58:37 - T/H Man discusses not understanding the criminal behind the crime 14:58:42 - Photo of dog 14:58:45 - Police talk with news reporter 14:58:48 - T/H Police discusses searching for perpetrator 14:58:53 - Woman wiping tears from eyes 14:58:56 - Photo of dog 14:59:01 - T/H Woman discusses her anger with the perpetrator 14:59:27 - Text-on-screen, "Wildfires, NM-Pine Canyon Burns" 14:59:48 - T/H Woman in yellow discusses the plans of the wildfire burns 15:00:13 - Shot of plane in air, smoke in brush, smoke in sky, van in driveway, man in working tractor, fire rescue SUV drives way, Grant Gymnasium 15:01:06 - Text-on-screen," Rita, FL Bahamas Monday" 15:01:29 - Reporter in yellow discusses Rita hitting Bahamas 15:01:38 - Shots of storm in Bahamas 15:01:47 - T/H Woman discusses tourists leaving because of storm 15:01:56 - Shots of surrounding town 15:02:09 - T/H Man discusses how weather is rough today 15:02:13 - Shot of tourists 15:02:16 - Touristing family discusses how the storm is supposed to stay south 15:02:31 - T/H Man discusses Rita vs. Katrina 15:02:45 - Reporter in yellow discusses people waiting for storm to pass 15:03:02 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, LA New Orleans recovery" 15:04:01 - Text-on-screen, "NFL Saints fans and Red Cross" 15:04:15 - DX EXT NO Saints fans in parking lot at Meadowlands 15:04:31 - T/H Man discusses his personal day 15:04:40 - Red Cross affiliates walking away from camera 15:04:55 - Text-on-screen, "Rescue, CA boat goes aground" 15:05:08 - DX EXT Boat sinking in river 15:06:34 - Text-on-screen, "Iraq, Shiite festival at Karbala" 15:06:49 - NX EXT thousands at Shiite festival in Karbala, shots of lights and fireworks, flags, people clapping 15:08:26 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, LA New Orleans Recovery" 15:08:46 - DX EXT traffic on freeway, shots of broken glass in buildings, soliders, city hall, damaged Hyatt hotel, empty streets 15:09:38 - Mayor discusses anticipated damage from levy 15:09:52 - T/H Soldier discusses damage 15:10:05 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, LA Nagin Newser" 15:10:29 - Mayor at press conference, discusses plans for upcoming hurricane and evacuation. 15:10:56 - Mayor enters press / news conference, cameras and press workers, Mayor discusses plans for hurricane 15:11:46 - Text-on-screen, "Entertainment, RI Richard Hatch court hearing" 15:11:52 - T/H Richard Hatch interviewed by press regarding court case 15:12:31 - T/H Lawyer discusses court case 15:12:59 - Text-on-screen, "Entertainment, RI Richard Hatch court hearing" 15:13:19 - T/H Richard Hatch interviewed by press regarding court case 15:13:59 - T/H Lawyer discusses court case 15:14:27 - Text-on-screen, "Prison Abuse, FILE Lynndie England" 15:14:44 - England interviewed about abuse photograph taken 15:15:29 - Shot of watch tower, soldiers at vehicles, prisons 15:15:56 - Stills of England with prisoners at Abu Gharib, evidence of abuse 15:16:04 - Courtroom 15:16:17 - Women exiting and then entering courtroom 15:16:42 - Text-on-screen, "Rita, Latest 9:30pm ET Insert" 15:17:52 - Shots of storm hitting 15:18:02 - Man gives briefing on Hurricane Rita, discusses evacuation plans 15:18:07 - Shots of trucks and cars leaving, previous storm damages, 15:18:22 - T/H Man discusses not wanting storm comparison to Louisiana 15:18:48 - T/H Man discusses plans for unpredictable hurricane 15:18:53 - Shots of hurricane projected path 15:19:04 - Weatherman discusses Hurricane Rita 15:19:13 - Shots of people preparing for storm 15:19:28 - Text-on-screen, "Katrina, NJ Saints Fans/Red Cross" 15:19:44 - REPEAT segment with Saints Fans at Giants game with Red Cross 15:20:25 - Text-on-screen, "Prison, TX Sex assault trial" 15:20:51 - Shots of prison, inmates, watch tower 15:21:18 - Text-on-screen, "Iraq War, NY Cindy Sheehan in NY" 15:22:02 - T/H Cindy Sheehan at press conference discusses opposition to war 15:22:13 - Shots of March on Washington, Sept. 24 to end the war on Iraq 15:22:31 - T/H Cindy Sheehan tries to make a difference 15:23:06 - Text-on-screen, "Military, HI AZ gov visits USS AZ mem." 15:23:27 - INT AZ governor visits USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor 15:23:38 - Shots of floor, oil stains, damage 15:24:02 - T/H Governor discusses importance of memorial 15:24:34 - Flower ceremony, throwing flowers into water 15:25:01 - Text-on-screen, "Politics, RI John Kerry Visits" 15:25:24 - INT Senator John Kerry gives speech in Rhode Island 15:26:09 - Text-on-screen, "Entertainment, Sarah Jessica Parker fragrance" 15:26:31 - INT Women in line waiting to see Sarah Jessica Parker promote her fragrance 15:26:52 - T/H Women discuss their opinion of Sarah Jessica Parker 15:27:02 - Sarah Jessica Parker poses for photos 15:27:41 - Text-on-screen, "Crime, IN Double Homicide scheme" 15:27:53 - Dx EXT Family Express gas station, crime scene 15:28:10 - Police officers, cop cars at scene, ambulance, cops surround area, crime scene tape in wind
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2005
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: STS-81534