- Title: STS-5716
- Summary: Skies: (NEGATIVE)time lapse clouds; cracked earth, mtns. in bg; cu cracked river bed; storm clouds, gather on horizon, over desert terrain; time lapse rain clouds over desert terrain; dark saguaro cactus in desert; R/T sunrise fireball sunrise generic horizon sun comes up; heat waves train, comes to camera dusk desert; beauty shots of sunset, clouds, time lapse; time lapse whispy white clouds, blue sky; time lapse sunrise, pink sky clouds; sand dunes, time lapse clouds; time lapese blue sky white clouds blowing sand dunes in desert blue sky; railroad crossing, arm lowers on crossing guard; cu freight train passes by camera; cu rxr crossing arm, side angle, red lights flashing; time lapse blue sky, white clouds; static blue sky white clouds; desert grass, blue sky, white clouds; car comes at camera desert, heat waves; time lapse starry skies, shooting star, city lights on low horizon; time lapse blue sky, white fluffy clouds; endless highway in desert setting; October 1993, Malibu/Topanga brush fires, burning brush, homes on fire, firetrucks and firemen in action, cu home on fire, cars in garage, firemen poke holes in roof of home to release heat; fire fighting helicopter in silhouette with
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/1993
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 1990s
- File Name: STS-5716