- Title: FJ-HRN-3232
- Summary: Fast & Furious / Michelle Rodriguez: HRN-3232 Fast & Furious Michelle Rodriguez
- Description:03:34:17 - A01. HRN-3232 In: 03.34.17 Out: 03.34.32 Sound Bite: Michelle Rodriguez has she seen any of these guys since the 1st one Uh yeah Ive seen Vin a bit here and there. Um hadnt seen Paul or Jordana for a long time. Yeah this is awesome to kind of get to catch up with everybody. 03:34:34 - A02. HRN-3232 In: 03.34.34 Out: 03.35.03 Sound Bite: Michelle Rodriguez did she know it was going to happen for awhile? I was just waiting I mean you know, you cant expect a big Hollywood studio thats so intelligent not to see the chemistry between Paul and Vin on screen I mean its like it just works you know what Im sayin? And they were part of an introduction to a genre of filmmaking that unites so many different cultures around the world. The appeal is just immense and to take that formula away would just be not too smart. 03:35:16 - A03. HRN-3232 In: 03.35.16 Out: 03.35.47 Sound Bite: Michelle Rodriguez has the market for this movie grown since Oh for sure for sure. Yeah because a lot of people who dont know where to put their excess energy have found a place. Well its like you know you can go around looking for stuff and you can have certain interests that you know in life youre intrigued by but some people never have the exposure to the options. Not that this should promote any street illegal racing but at least the genre of racing it introduces. 03:36:13 - A04. HRN-3232 In: 03.36.00 Out: 03.36.44 Sound Bite: Michelle Rodriguez difference between this one and the original Well now you know that this is what they do. This is a lifestyle and uh its not a passing phase. (talks) Well its just like alright well you could look at um you could look at a character in an Italian film uh about the mafia and like so this guy you know who just came into the game is new and then you see him in like part 4 or part 5 of something and hes older and youre just like okay, so this what hes gonna do for the rest of his life. This is the kind of life this person wants to lead. Its established now I think. 03:36:48 - A05. HRN-3232 In: 03.36.48 Out: 03.37.05 Sound Bite: Michelle Rodriguez does Vin being producer mean anything on set Not at all. It doesnt mean anything. It just means that my buddy whos a great businessman and has amazing vision you know got a better paying gig. {laughs} 03:37:12 - A06. HRN-3232 In: 03.37.12 Out: 03.38.47 Sound Bite: Michelle Rodriguez on action stars Well you also gotta understand you know generation me which I think um comes after generation Y, my generation, um skipped this whole uh genre of acting film stars, masculine testosterone influence dudes dude, a mans man, and they jumped to you know I dont wanna mention any names but the more brainy individuals like you know like yeah its not an insult just a you know the me generation, what they like, its a younger, its more about brains, uh its more about uh beauty uh youth um I dont know what else to say. Like Wanted for instance. You look at the lead character there and its like you know this guy this kid could live you know next door to you. Its not like this creature that youve never seen before like a Vin Diesel or an Arnold Schwarzenegger or a Sylvester Stallone or a Bruce Willis that its not your guy next door that you see them walking down the street and they are distinguished from everybody else. Um that kind of died out so you know theres a lot of people out there from generation Y that kind of saw this transition occur and theyre like wait a minute what about the girls out there who like the purely alpha male you know rebel. Where are they? You know in the picture so its that he represents that symbolically, him, The Rock, theres only a few left, you know, in my eyes.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2009
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-3232