- Title: FJ-HRN-2528
- Summary: Scarlett Johansson/Vicky Cristina Barcelona: HRN-2528 Vicky Cristina Barcelona Scarlett Johansson
- Description:05:29:13 - Sound Bite: Scarlett Johansson Uhm well you know I mean its sort of I think it works in a sense that you uhm in any any kind of film, theatre or whatever your interacting with someone else obviously and theres uhm a sort of action reaction that takes place and so its, you establish a relationship with you know these characters uhm you know based on how theyre playing with you uhm so its you know even though it might seem confusing maybe to the viewer because theres so many relationships going on uhm hopefully not too confusing but you, as an actor you are just living the life of a character you dont think about uhm you know you dont think a bout how, you know the complex-, youre not analyzing the, well as an actor your are but as a character youre not analyzing the complexities of your life as these people come in and out you know. I dont know, I guess its all part of the, its part of the game I guess. 05:30:40 - Sound Bite: Scarlett Johansson It was a really gorgeous place to work I mean being in Barcelona is beautiful, I have no complaints being there for the summer and the weather was nice and the food and the wine and everything was lovely and uhm you know it was really, it was, it, it got, it crazy at time because our set became like a kind of wheres Waldo kind of scenario where like the newspaper would then print like the directions and where we were and what times we were shooting and like what we ate for lunch and it was nuts because you know thousands of tourists and uhm you know and locals alike would show up and it was open and uh it was overwhelming, it was overwhelming it really was, it was overwhelming at times, so I kind of stayed out of Barcelona, I stayed in a different part of uhm of Spain in a smaller like little community. I just it was funny because all the touristic things my character does in the movie I was actually experiencing like for the first time which was strange.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2528