- Title: FJ-HRN-2304
- Summary: Cannes Indiana Jones: Cannes Film Festival 2008. Indiana Jones red carpet appearances.
- Description:00:00:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of the crowd on the side lines. Shot of crowd standing around. Shot of blonde lady. Shot of photographers waiting. Shot of the crowd. 00:03:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of the crowd and the photographers. Shot of people putting Indy hats on some guys. Shot of the red carpet stairs. Shot of the Cannes sign. Shot of the crowd trying to get free Indy hats. 00:06:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of the crowd trying to get free Indy hats. Shot of cameramen setting up. Shot of a group walking down the red carpet. Shots of people getting their cameras ready. Shot of the crowd. 00:09:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of the crowd. Shot of nobodies on the red carpet. Shot of woman in flower dress. Shot of people walking down the red carpet getting their pictures taken. 00:12:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shots of random people walking up the red carpet. Shot of an older couple getting their picture taken. Shot of a group of people getting their picture taken. 00:15:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of a random guy. Shot of men and women walking up the carpet. Close-up of random people on the red carpet. Wide shot of the crowd walking up the stairs to the theater. Close-up of women on the red carpet posing for the camera. 00:18:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Close-up of random people on the red carpet. Shot of Star Jones with two other people posing for cameras. Shot of random woman in black dress posing for camera. Shot of a group walking up the stairs. Shot of a couple, white chubby guy with a tall black woman posing for the camera. 00:21:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of Natalie Portman. Shot of Natalie posing of a picture with a group of people. Close-up of Natalie Portman. Shot of Natalie walking up the red stairs. 00:24:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of random people walking the red carpet. Shot of a couple getting their picture taken. Shot of Dean Cane getting his picture taken. Shots of Dean Cane walking down the red carpet posing for pictures. Shot of random couple posing for pictures. Shot of Dean Canes back. 00:27:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of Dean Cane having his picture taken. Close-up of Dean Cane. Shot of Dean Cane walking up red stairs. Shot of Michael Moore on the red carpet. Shot of a blonde in a white dress. 00:30:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Shot of a blonde in a white dress. Shot of random girls waking the red carpet. Goldie Hawn walking the red carpet and posing for pictures. 00:33:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Close-up and wide shots of Goldie Hawn as she walks the red carpet. Random people walking the red carpet. Shot of a random brunette in a red dress posing for cameras. 00:36:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Close up of Jared Leto and a girl. Shot of Christian Slater and a woman posing for the camera. Close-up shot of Jared Leto. Wide Shot of Brian Grazer as he walks the red carpet, camera pans with him. Shot of Salma Hayek in a green dress posing for the cameras. Wide shot of Salmas back. Wide shot of Salma Hayek. Close up to wide of Salma walking and waving. 00:39:25 - B-Roll Cannes Indiana Jones Red Carpet - Wide of Salma as she gets her picture taken and walks up the red stairs. Shot of a red head in a black dress posing for the cameras. Shot of Billy Zane and a girl as the walk down the red carpet posing for pictures. Close-up of the girl and the back of Billy Zanes head. Camera follows them down the red carpet.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2304