- Title: FJ-HRN-1078
- Summary: Grindhouse: Grindhouse Junket Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez Interview
- Description:17:35:50 - Sound Bite: Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez Quentin - Yeah I actually thought somebody would ask me about how we did the chase cause to me that kind of like a big story I mean not to go on and on. But the thing about it was when uh uh when we did the chase I knew that Id realized in the last decade I hadnt really seen a chase done the way I always used to think of chases. I mean you remember Robert when you heard a movie had a cool chase you couldnt wait to go see it and usually if it wasnt as good as that last one at that moment it seemed like it was the best one of all time if it delivered. And then you know since pretty much as far as Im concerned Terminator 2 the chases that have come out now what with all the video editing and theres like 11 or 16 cameras for every stunt they feel the need to use every angle for, everythings so chopped it can be exciting, it can be thrilling but Im never behind the wheel anymore, Im never sitting in the car going for the ride. And you know I think part of that is CGI in car crashes and and just like that (chop sound) editing kind of thing in a chase. So I wanted to do it you know real cars, real speed, no under cranking, no CGI were going for it! 17:37:20 - Sound Bite: Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez Robert So it was just we grew up with these kind of movies where they were entertainment for entertainment sake and uh we wanted to just remind people what that was like cause we feel like a lot of the cinematic experiences we get today is a single movie with commercials in front of it and they forget what a kind of showmanship that was involved the day when they would book two movies together that somebody would program and put trailers in-between and give you a real night at the movies and that what we went for. And the subject matter being exploitative in that way so people will not even believe what there seeing when there watching it. Quentin You know back in the day man you talk about the 60s you talk about somebody like William Castle you know putting buzzers underneath seats so when this moment happened (buzz effect) you know it was like I mean that was ? thats been completely lost in this corporate culture. 17:38:10 - Sound Bite: Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez Quentin Oh thats really cool man I cant believe how success its been we started uh we started uh in March and its going all the way through April and what its doing its at the New Beverly Cinema which is like the last, ? Sherman he runs the New Beverly its the last man standing, the last real rival house still hanging in there in Los Angeles, there used to be a bunch now theres him. And whats going on here with my own prints I scheduled an entire Grindhouse retrospective for like two weeks and on the weekends its triple features and during the week its double features. With again just like Grindhouse, just like our movie the head, all the trailers are my trailers hand picked by me the order youre going to see them and everything, everything was programmed by me for the entire next two months.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2007
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-1078