- Title: FJ-HRN-051
- Summary: Moon Bloodgood/Eight Below: HRN-051 Eight Below Moon Bloodgood
- Description:16:02:37 - How did this happen for you? A01. HRN-051 In: 16.02.37 out: 16.03.06 Uh.. well I got into acting I think about 2 and a half years ago and my modeling agency at the time said why dont you go out for this tv show and I was just very hesitant and I ended up booking it and you know 2 and a half years later cut back to Im auditioning doing pilots that arent getting picked up and then I read this great script at the time called Antarctica later became eight below and didnt think I had a shot in the world and I went in and was called like 2 days later over the weekend and was offered the part.. and off to Canada! Do you know when they changed the title to eight below? 16:03:12 - A02. HRN-051 In: 16.03.12 Out: 16.03.27 Yeah, Im not really sure what their reasoning was for changing it. Um, I know a lot of people knew it as Antarctica. But I think Eight Below is a good title. You know, eight dogs, Eight Below zero. I think it is good. Inspired by a true story. 16:03:29 - A03. HRN-051 In: 16.03.29 Out: 16.03.38 Yeah, always, when you see a movie and it says inspired or based by a true story you are like ouuu Im gonna get into this a little more this might have really happened. Correlation between what really happened? 16:03:48 - A04. HRN-051 In: 16.03.48 Out: 16.04.24 You know what, I actually dont really know where truth begins and then it kinda deviates. I know that there were some dogs that were left behind after an expedition and I do believe they went back and to me that was a big chunk of the story. So thats all I need to know. I dont think there was a Katie, Im just guessing. I dont think in 1957 there was a female pilot but.hahah. Maybe that was, maybe they added that in but Im grateful that they did or I wouldnt have a job so. Heart string tugging? 16:04:24 - A05. HRN-051 In:16.04.24 Out: 16.04.49 Absolutely, yeah, its one of those movies that you know maybe you watch the trailer and you think thats interest, I like dogs, I like Paul Walker you know and then you watch it and you go, this is really, this is really compelling this is really, I cant believe these dogs, and I dont want to give to much away but its like youre watching and youre going whats going to happen and you get pulled in. And that is what I want people to feel when they see it. Paul Walkers role change 16:05:00 - A06. HRN-051 In: 16.05.00 Out: 16.05.28 Which is smart of him, because you know Fast and Furious, and Timeline and he, you know as an actor you always want to kinda do different roles, you dont want to be the same thing every time, you wanna be a little different. I think Paul, being as attractive as he is you know, it is important he does do things that are challenge him and are different. And I think this is a good movie for him to sorta, you know, hes the man of the movie. I think it works and they picked a good guy for it. Its a good move on his part. And Jason Biggs? 16:05:28 - A07. HRN-051 In: 16.05.28 Out: 16.05.44 Who cant love Jason Biggs? Oh, and people have no idea how funny that guy is. He is so funny, and witty and very very bright. So many times to me he made me roll. Just laughing all the time with Jason, hes silly. Hes like a big brother. Jasons other movies? 16:05:49 - A08. HRN-051 In: 16.05.49 Out: 16.06.24 Yeah, I was like, Jason, I love you, but I like you now better than I like you in American Pie. What do you think of that Jason? He doesnt care. Um, he is, I saw American Pie. And it wasnt one honestly it wasnt one of my favorite movies and then I met Jason and he was like so funny and then I actually watched American Pie again and I was like I do like this movie because maybe I worked with Jason it put a different kinda spin on it and there are definitely some moments where he is great in this movie I mean hes the comic relief. You the female relief? 16:06:36 - A09. HRN-051 In: 16.06.36 Out: 16.06.57 Yeah, I like the idea of saying Wow, I played a female lead thats really cool. Even though to me its about the dogs and its about Paul and his relationship with them and onethere is Brenda, there is another female in there but yeah its a female lead and its so great because I get to play a pilot thats so cool. Whats next? 16:06:58 - A10. HRN-051 In: 16.06.58 Out: 16.07.13 Yeah, I have a movie coming out called Pathfinder, in June. And its a fox movie directed by Marcus Misspell who did Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Vikings and Native Americans, very different from Eight Below. Its already in the can 16:07:13 - A11. HRN-051 In:16.07.13 Out:16.07.18 Yeah, I finished about a month and a half, two months ago. Yeah.
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2006
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-051