- Title: The Big Battalions
- Date: 26th November 1992
- Summary: Britain: Bishop of Birmingham Alan is planning conference called 'Christ in Africa. Edward's speech at this event attacks C of E, undermining Alan's position. Conference is a failure. C of E newspaper publishes anonymous letter attacking Edward. Paper's editor tells Alan she knows he's the author. Offers him chance to defend himself. He refuses, commits suicide. Edward blames himself. Turns to Lizzie for com fort. Israel: Gil witnesses beating of Arab boy but is sworn to secrecy. His father is ill. Family and army pressures force him to end relationship with Susan. Mecca: Yousef befriended by Ali. Completes pilgrimage. Ali persuades Yousef to go to Jordan to meet Ali's sister and mother. Ethiopia: Sesay has press conference to raise profile. Yared passes note to journalist Rachel warning rebels are planning incident against aid workers whom they suspect of collaboration with Govt.in Addis Ababa. Unable to prevent grenade attack at Hilton Hotel. Driver HAILU disappears.
- Description:The story of five characters whose lives are threatened and changed by religious conflict,both personal and political. The action moves from sudan,tobritain,usa,occupied territories and jordan.
- Broadcaster:Channel 4
- Collection: Channel 4
- Genre:Documentary and Factual
- Programme Episode:Episode 2
- Transmission Date:26/11/1992
- Rights:On Request
- Decade: 1990s