- Title: Tim Burton: A Life in Pictures interview: On technology
- Date: 19th November 2012
- Summary: Tim Burton: A Life in Pictures Interview A Life in Pictures
- Description:Tim Burton on how little technology has changed filmmaking, the process itself hasn't changed / Stop motion and drawn animation is still relevant, and how he thinks there is room for both CGI and stop motion / Tim Burton was interviewed by Francine Stock as part of the Life in Pictures series by BAFTA at their Piccadilly headquarters on 19 November, 2012.
- Collection: BAFTA
- Genre:Entertainment
- Producer:BAFTA
- Keywords: BAFTA; British Academy of Film and Television Arts; A Life in Pictures; Interview; Series; Career; Retrospective; Arts; Culture; BAFTA HQ; Piccadilly; On stage; Audience; 2012; Film; Movie; Cinema; Director; Directing; Filmmaking; Experience; Advice; Visual special effects; VFX; Stop motion; Animation; Handmade; Puppet; Craft; Animated; Stopmotion vs CGI; Computer generated; Tech; Technology; Digital; Change; Changing; Industry
- City: London
- Country: United Kingdom
- Transmission Date:19/11/2012
- Decade: 2010s