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Summary:Larry O'Brien Interview part 2: SEE JFK-66A FOR PART TWO OF INTERVIEW
Description:21:27:09 - Larry O'Brien describes the immediate aftermath of the John F. Kennedy assassination in Dallas. He was a witness and part of the Kennedy team.....
21:27:31 - he describes going into the Dallas hospital with Jackie Kennedy " It was a half hour after we knew that JFK was dead before we announced it to the rest of the world "
21:30:11 - describes moving Kennedy's body to air force one and staying with the body as they attempted to move it from Dallas to Washington
21:31:55 - describes the swearing in of LBJ and accompanying Jackie Kennedy to the swearing in of LBJ she was still in her bloodied dress
21:36:55 - further describes the immediate aftermath of the JFK assassination the coffin be opened or closed..they viewed JFK's body to decide weather it should be an open or closed casket