- Title: JFK-34
- Summary: Jack Valenti interview pt 2:
- Description:13:21:28 - Interview with JACK VALENTI who recalls in great detail the immediate aftermath of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas. Recalls being with Lyndon Johnson when he was sworn in to office immediately after the assassination. Valenti handed LBJ the words to the Presidential oath to on a piece of paper. He recalls being with LBJ on the plane back to Washington after the assassination 13:26:08 - Jack Valenti recalls in detail the transition from Kennedy to Johnson and how LBJ did not rush Jackie Kennedy out of the White House. Valenti was an insider and a witness 13:30:08 - Further discusses the transition to LBJ immediately after the assassination. How Lyndon Johnson was immediately planning his GREAT SOCIETY and what his agenda was with education and civil rights 13:35:08 - further recalls the decision for JFK to go to Dallas and how it was a spot with much political discourse. Johnson was uneasy with JFK going to Texas 13:39:17 - Jack Valenti interview concludes
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/1988
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 1980s
- File Name: JFK-34