- Title: FJ-HRN-2494
- Summary: SWING VOTE PREMIERE: HRN-2494 Swing Vote Premiere Tape #02
- Description:01:37:41 - Sound Bite: Joshua Michael Stern Director Swing Vote. If I was a celebrity running mate, uh I think Jon Stewart of course. Why? Because you know what? He really could put it, and he could take an issue and crystallize it into 2 sentences. But youre also talking about me running so you know what that presidents like. 01:38:04 - Sound Bite: Kevin Costner Bud Johnson Swing Vote Thats why we actually go to the movies is to be surprised. 01:39:08 - Sound Bite: Kevin Costner Bud Johnson Swing Vote Yeah well shes darling and really professional. And it was a, I think she made the movie a lot better. Um and uh so I just was really pleased to work with the director and her. 01:39:24 - Sound Bite: Kevin Costner Bud Johnson Swing Vote I dont know I wouldnt run for president so it all gets hard to say. 01:39:32 - Sound Bite: Kevin Costner Bud Johnson Swing Vote Well I didnt make it with a message but the truth is when you get to this movie you feel something that you probably didnt think you were going in, and you maybe ask yourself in the dark, am I a Bud or am I gonna be a participant in this democracy? 01:39:51 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere In on Costner on red carpet, 01:41:12 - Sound Bite: Candace Cameron Bure Probably my brother Kirk Cameron. (Talks) Keep it in the family. (talks) Why not? 01:41:28 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere fashion shot of Candace Cameron Bure 01:41:41 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere fashion shot of girl in black dress 01:41:50 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere a cute girl in red dress, Tim Allen interviewing (shot kind of from back), Quentin Tarantino on red carpet 01:44:15 - Sound Bite: Robin Jonas Executive Producer Swing Vote Celebrity running mate? Barack Obama. Wouldnt you? That guys amazing. Hes a celebrity, hes a rock star. He is (Talks) and Im a woman, you know I mean wouldnt you do that? Im not good at this, Im an executive producer, Im not good at these things. 01:44:50 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere fashion shot of Robin Jonas 01:45:11 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Mary Hart interviewing 01:46:20 - Sound Bite: Mary Hart TV Host As my celebrity running mate? I think it would have to be Kelsey Grammer. Because Kelsey can be so sincere and serious and so funny. He can be really funny. 01:46:40 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Mare Winningham interviews, 01:48:14 - Sound Bite: Mare Winningham Larissa Johnson Swing Vote No one from this movie, I cant have Kevin, I cant have Kevin Costner. Tom Hanks. Who could go wrong with Tom Hanks? Gary Sinese, also good. 01:48:37 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Mare Winningham fashion shot 01:50:11 - Sound Bite: Jo De La Rosa & Slade Smiley Slade I think I would have to have somebody like Denzel Washington as our celebrity running date. Very influential, I think hes very much into politics. You know has an opinion or George Clooney. Depends on whos more popular I guess. Gotta go with the popularity, right? (Talks) That would swing the vote, no pun intended. (talks) Well George parties but he knows his stuff, very politically active you know with the UN traveling the world, got a lot of pull there the Clooney. (talks) De la Rosa I would definitely say Reese Whitherspoon. Shes polished very well spoken so cute, everybody loves her, how would you not love her? And shes really smart, really smart like really amazing mom which I aspire to be one day. Shes just great Slade shes not politically active though. Maybe Angelina Jolie. Shes politically active. De la Rosa Angelinas hot. (talks) Slade shed be too busy? De la Rosa you know I would say Reese Whiterspoon, I like my answer, and I would also say Cameron Diaz. Shes on the younger side, really cute really fun but see I would just hang out with her because of all her outfits and her fashion is amazing. 01:51:34 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Fashion shot of de la Rosa and Smiley 01:51:57 - Sound Bite: Nathan Lane Art Crumb Swing Vote Oh my God, who are you working for CNN? Reuters? This is a charming little comedy you know its not so much about politics I mean its about being a part of participating in life and the process, but its just a charming little comedy 01:54:01 - Sound Bite: Nathan Lane Art Crumb Swing Vote As a celebrity running mate? Man, um. (talks) Oh Matthew, Matthew Broderick. That would be, what a wonderfully dysfunctional White House that would be. The bar bill in the White House alone, zoom. 01:54:38 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Kelsey Grammer walking down red carpet and interviewing 01:55:44 - Sound Bite: Kelsey Grammer Pres. Andrew Boone Swing Vote My celebrity running mate. I would probably reach across the aisle and get someone from the rock and roll business. Im not sure, maybe Skunk Baxter. Oh Alice Cooper, I think thatd make a good ticket. 01:56:23 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere attempted fashion shot 01:56:37 - Sound Bite: Cheech Marin Actor/Comedian Celebrity running mate uh celebrity running mate, probably Chong, its good for you know to have a guy with the stuff to have your back in the office. 01:56:58 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Grammer on red carpet 01:57:16 - Sound Bite: Jason Richman Writer Swing Vote You know I just write for characters but Kevin brought so much to this piece that um you know it was really just the first day he started um you know in rehearsals getting this character down I was just blown away. He brought so much to it. Its really what you hope for as a writer that someone could take this to the next level you know and surprise you and he certainly did that, were very pleased. 01:57:39 - Sound Bite: Jason Richman Writer Swing Vote Yeah you hope so you know you come up with these ideas youre in your office writing and its a small world and then it blows up and it gets out there and then the talent starts to come on board and you know here we are theres a blimp overhead with the title of the movie on it. 01:58:11 - Sound Bite: Jason Richman Writer Swing Vote Uh celebrity running mate and why oh God thats such a good question, I think Winnie the Pooh because he just loves the honey and I think we could all use a little honey. Pooh. 01:58:39 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere fashion shot of Richman 01:58:47 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere woman in shiny black dress walks down red carpet then hugs little girl, Paula Patton interviewing, Larry King interviewing, Dennis Hopper walking down red carpet, Patton walking by, Larry King walking down red carpet 02:00:23 - Sound Bite: Gary Busey - Actor My celebrity running mate and why. This is a good question. Does it have to be a celebrity running mate? (Talks) Um Larry King. (Talks) Because I just saw him. 02:01:03 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Arianna Huffington interviewing, wides of red carpet, various of red carpet, cutaways, Huffington walking down red carpet 02:02:19 - Sound Bite: Arianna Huffington Political Columnist A celebrity running mate? Oh Warren Beatty of course because hes political, his heart is in the right place. (Talks) he would just do what I say he would be number 2 remember? 02:02:53 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere cutaways, cutaways to the poster, various of red carpet 02:05:51 - B-Roll Swing Vote Premiere Paula Abdul on red carpet, reporter on red carpet, various of poster and flag decoration , Paula Abdul walking down red carpet, shot of cameras monitor shooting Abdul 02:09:07 - Sound Bite: Paula Abdul Singer/Dancer Oh God no, oh God no. Um, (talks) oh you know what? It would have to be someone like, oh I know, Sting. (talks) Because hes a man of peace, a man of who stands for something that for the greater good, and I think um, and then Id fill the cabinet up with former cheerleaders and drill team people and yell leaders because we all know about camaraderie and the sum of all parts. (talks) And party in the house. 02:09:55 -
- Collection: Historic Films
- Producer:Historic Films
- Transmission Date:01/01/2008
- Rights:On request
- Decade: 2000s
- File Name: FJ-HRN-2494